Elise, the Sassy Starfish

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A/N: Thank you so much for staying with me and the story, please vote/comment, THANK YOU 


"And that is.... what, exactly?"

I looked up at Luke, raising an eyebrow.

His mouth dropped. Like, literally dropped like they do on tv.

"Are you kidding me? Do you live under a rock?"

I stepped back and put my hands on my hips. "Do I LOOK like Patrick Star to you??"

"Well, you're not pink, and you've got a much nicer body than him..."

My BODY? So he's been looking my BODY? Well, can't say I haven't sneaked a peak, I mean, lordy, those arms...

I bet he works out. I kinda wanted to pull a typical teen girl and ask if I could feel his muscles but that'd probably be a little awkward. Maybe I could casually just like.. grab onto his arm, and like- OH MY GOD WHO THE HELL JUST ACCIDENTALLY COPS A FEEL AND GRABS ONTO SOMEONES ARMS SNAP OUT OF IT ELISE

"Well." I interrupted my scheming, "I'm not really a top 40s kinda girl"

"Oh, too cool for that, are we?" He smirked.

"As a matter of fact, yes, yes I am" I glared at his annoying, cocky, cute, brilliant, gorgeous smile.

Oh my god, get a grip, Elise.

"Well then," he leaned back against the wall, folding his arms against his chest. "What kind of music DO you listen to?"

"I like classical." I said, daring him to make a crack at me and my old grandpa-taste in music.

"Ah- so Elise as in Fur Elise? Like Beethoven?"

I smiled. This dork knew his composers.

"Exactly like Fur Elise. My mom is big on classical music, hence, classical piece for a name."

He stared into my eyes, and took a step closer, his gaze unwavering

"That's beautiful."

My breath hitched, my brain was mush. I had mashed potatoes for brains.


"Um. Thanks." I gasped , blinking a few times, trying to focus on something other than his lips that were frighteningly close.

He smirked, and took another step towards me, fully aware of the effect he was having on me.

Oh god, now a guy is having an "effect" on me? Really, Elise? I am NOT some silly little teenage girl. No sirree. I am ELISE, ULTRA SUPER WOMAN WHO DOESN'T NEED A MAN TO- oh, who was I kidding. This guy was hot. Like, hot sauce-hot.

"So, uh," I took a step back, trying to put some distance between us. "Tell me about your, uh, band"

"We ARE quite famous, actually" he grinned, reached around with one arm and gave himself a pat.

"Did you- did you really just pat yourself on the back?" I asked in disbelief.

He shrugged. "We've come far."

"Well. Seeing as how I've never heard about you guys, you can't be all that famous, now can you?"

"It's not my fault you never get outta the house and have never heard of us"

I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Whatever."

Oh, good one Elise, that was gold. Put that one down in the books.


If I could stay in this bathroom forever, I would, I swear to god. This girl, this beautiful, gorgeously amazing girl (who also wasn't afraid to give me some attitude, which I must say, was quite refreshing and EXTREMELY attractive) had me wrapped around her finger in the five minutes that we had met each other.

Good god, what was wrong with me...

I ran my tongue over my lip, playing with my lip ring.

"Well, do you think those girls are gone?" I asked, looking down at her.

She was pretty short. Like an elf. A hot elf.

Did I just call her a hot elf?

Now I'm thinking of hot elves and Santa.

She bit her lip and glanced towards the locked door. "Dunno. Think we should try and sneak out?"

"Well... I guess" I said reluctantly. Did that mean this was it?

She pushed past me and reached out toward the door handle, but then stopped and turned around, noticing I hadn't moved.

"Should I, uh," she cleared her throat, "just make a run for it, maybe cause a distraction or something so you can make a break for it?"

I walked over and put my hand on the door, blocking her exit.

She looked up at me in surprise.


"Luke." She mimicked, a smile tugging at her lips as she looked up at me.

"Go out with me. Like. Once we get out of here and stuff"

She put her hands her hips. "Oh, you don't think a date here would be nicer? It's got such nice lighting, and-"

Oh, fuck it.

I leaned down, snaking an arm around her waist and yanking her against me. "Well then, we'll just skip the date, yeah?"

Without waiting for an answer, my lips slammed into hers.

I felt her tense up and I almost broke away, fearing I'd made a mistake. But a split second later she relaxed and her hands went up around my neck.

After a few minutes, she pulled away and looked up at me and smirked. "Well, that was just SWELL. Shall we go now?"

I grinned, took her by the hand, flung open the door, and pulled her out, sprinting for the exit. I dragged her behind me and her laughter rang out.

"Oh, don't you wanna look around? Hey, LUKE HEMMINGS, do you wanna go over there? What about over here, LUKE HEMMINGS?!" she screamed, yanking back on me.

I groaned. It was like ringing the dinner bell. I heard a few screams from the other side of the mall.

I bent down, picked her up, swung her over my shoulder and ran out the doors to the car that had been waiting for me.

"LUKE HEMMINGS, put me down!" She gasped.

"Okey dokey" I tossed her into the car and climbed in after her.

This didn't count as kidnapping or anything, did it? I mean, we made out and stuff, so....

Oh well.

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