Chapter 9- Part I

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A Goal, A Punch & A Kiss

A/n: the following match described is fictional. It is a match made up by me. So incase there is any errors in the description pls excuse me.

France vs England.

The match for which I was desperately waiting for. My life literally depended on this match. This match was the purpose of my existence. Both the teams were exceedingly good and competitive. It was going to be a long and tough game, both to play and to watch, for sure. Stade de France was an absolute sight with everyone wearing the colours of their respective teams. There were loud cheers and shouts from all across the stadium. If the experience before the match had begun was so overwhelming, then I could only imagine what would happen once the real action began. Believe it or not, but it was the first time I was watching a match in the stadium and I was thrilled.

I really wished for England to win, not because Harry Kane was a close friend, but because there was a newly married couple sitting on the opposite side of the stadium that I really wished to taunt and tease when their country was defeated by mine. I also wished to show the new bride that she had made a terrible mistake in forsaking her very own country for her husband's country. Guessing who this couple was? Well it was the 'famous' Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont who had returned from their lavish honeymoon very much pregnant and happy. We all got so busy with our own life and its problems that we forgot to celebrate the news. Hence, we had decided to celebrate it by watching the match.

Alex had accompanied me as he had promised. We were dating, but only for four months. We both realised that it was getting a little weird and that it was not the way either of us wanted to spend the rest of our lives. He was always travelling, and when he was not, I was travelling. The difference in the time zones and the long distance, made us realise that we were good as friends but nothing beyond that was possible. I mean, there was a limit to face timing each other. However, unlike last time, we maintained our friendship and were always there for each other.

I don't know whether things got weird because of Antoine or not, but I can assure you that I was hurt when he didn't reply to my messages and when he didn't call back. I was hurt when I saw Crimsyn and him together in magazines or in the news-papers, and I was frustrated because no matter how much I try, I just couldn't get a hold of him.

Alex sat next to me, handing me the coke and hot dog that he bought from the counter. Alex was wearing England's red jersey with 'Rashford' written on it while I wore the white jersey which had 'Kane' written on it. I was wearing those hats and was holding a muffler in my hand which had 'England' written on it. He laughed looking at my excitement and I simply nudged him with my elbow. It was probably hard, because his skin turned red and he kept rubbing it with his palm, and he had a frown planted on his face.

The match had started soon and the atmosphere around suddenly became tense. England made some dangerous mistakes but so did France. We had a few injuries with both teams getting affected. A few yellow cards and millions of verbal warnings were given to both the teams. It was a heated first half but there was no significant moment in the match that would have changed the game. England had missed two shots while France missed a penalty, thanks to our goalie. With the score still being 0-0, the teams entered into 5 minutes extra time before the referee would blow the whistle, signalling the half time break.

With two minutes in, England was given a penalty shot, thanks to the referee's decision and Olivier Giroud's tackle. Harry had gone in to take the shot. There was a tense silence in the stadium, one side hoping for a goal while the other, hoping for Harry to miss it or for Hugo Lloris to save it. With every passing second, I could hear my heart beat increase its pace and intensity. I was not the only one who felt this way. Alex had gripped my hand so tightly that it almost seemed as if he was going to break my knuckles. All of our eyes were on Harry, and Harry's eyes were only on the ball.

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