Chapter 7

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                                                    I Would Never Hurt You

A/n: this is a long chapter but an important one. So pls bear with me.

I saw the whole thing happen. I knew who he was, I knew who the girl in his arms was and I also knew who the girl was, who had been silently witnessing all this. I knew the whole situation and even if I wanted to rescue Veronica, I could not. Even though I was not in Veronica's place, I could feel the anger pilling up inside me. I couldn't understand why she was just standing there. If only Veronica would give me the permission, I would have broken his jaw, ripped his tongue and lips apart. If he truly did love her, then how could he possibly do this to her. It was just insane.

I saw a broken Veronica walk up towards me. I hated to see the woman I loved in this state. But most of all I hated the man who did this to her. Veronica didn't deserve this. She deserved better. She wasn't crying as I expected her to be doing. Probably all her tears had dried up because of the numerous incidents of pain that this man had caused her or probably because she had realised that this man was not worth her precious tears. Either way, I was happy she was holding her head up high and not letting that impudent man get into her head and messing with it unnecessarily.

"hey gorgeous..." I said looking at her caringly.

"hey... "she said with a tired voice which had a hint of pain and was coupled with a heart-breaking sigh.

"you good?" I asked her with concern.

I couldn't stand seeing her this way. It was breaking me. I know I needed to be the stronger person in this situation, someone on whom this fragile girl could blindly rely upon, but to be honest, I didn't know for how long I could be strong.

"no, not really.... But don't worry, it's just a phase. I'll be fine soon, like always. Probably faster, now that you're here." She said forcing a smile on her face.

I had mixed feelings hearing these words. It was as if, internally, there was a deadly battle going on inside me. I was sad that she was not feeling great, making me even more angry at the person responsible for this. But at the same time, I was happy that she was hopefully about being able to put this incident in the past, someday in the near future. However, my heart skipped a beat in excitement when I heard the last part of her sentence- 'now that you're here.' I was happy to know she still trusted me, happier to know that I mattered to her, but happiest to know that she still cared for me, probably the way as she did in the past.

The kiss, I do agree was not something that should have happened here or something that I had planned for. It's just that she had this effect on me and when she's around I lose all control over my senses. Yes, her beauty was one of the reasons to fall in love with her, but for me, it was just her and everything that came along with her that caused this beautiful feeling in me. Her charismatic personality, her free spirit, her intelligence, her bold ambitions in life, her massive talents, her honesty, her diligence, her dedication, her family-oriented ideas, her song choices, her principles, everything mattered to me and I loved every single aspect of this girl named Veronica Stevens. I wouldn't change a thing about her.

I regretted agreeing to break up with her. I regretted wasting two years of my life with her not being by my side. I regretted not having spoken to her even though I wanted to, even though I needed to. Over the last two years, I kept thinking that she might have moved on and me calling her would just be so foolish and it would manage to further break my already broken heart. I regretted fearing about the damage the phone call could have done to me.
But today when I saw her, I knew I couldn't let her slip away from me again because of my foolishness. Hence, I did what I had to do and I don't regret a bit of it. There is no one other than her in this world with whom I would have shared this kiss. I love her and that was all that I knew.
Breaking me out of my thoughts was the waiter who offered us champagne. I took a glass and offered Veronica a glass as well. She looked at me with an expression that read- "are you insane!". The only thing that I was able to blurt out of my mouth was- "What?"

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