I was so used to this question I almost raised my hand absentmindedly. After a few seconds Luke and Ashton hesitantly raised their hands, they'd had a silent conversation and decided against coming out now.

"So the audio going around the internet from a radio station is real?" She asks, pointing a microphone in our general direction.

Calum took the lead, "To tell you the truth, I wasn't even supposed to be there. Mikey was so nervous he basically dragged me along." I punch his arm and give him a playful scowl. "The plan was to hold his hand if he began to freeze up and coach him through it. He was super nervous about the question that gave away that I was there, we'd debated the topic a few minutes before but we hadn't actually came to a conclusion so I answered for him." He ended with a tight lipped smile as if to say 'what can you do'.

Smooth ass lying motherfucker.

If I didn't know any better I would've believed it too.

He's so good at lying.

 >< >< >< ><

"Mikey what's wrong?" Calum demands, after asking the same question for the fourth time.

"Nothing." I replied monotonously for the fourth time. I glanced at the clock for what had to be the hundredth time in the last five minutes, waiting for three o'clock was torture.

Ashton walks in, surveys the area and whistles, "Dressed already Mike, got a hot date or something?" He giggles.

"Yeah, I'm taking your hot ass boyfriend out to dinner." I laugh, biting my lip and giving the nod of acknowledgement. He nods back at me and winks before going back to his phone.

"Ow! What the hell?" I shout, clutching my junk and staring at Calum with a face of betrayal. How could you?

And I was thinking about letting him touch them later.

That idea is out the window now.

"We're a thing scumbag." He grumbles, sitting up and moving to the opposite side of the couch.

"Well tools, and Ashton--Yes, Jane, that makes you a tool--I've off to see a guy about an eyebrow piercing." I get up and high five Patrick as I walk off the bus. I'd planned the whole thing earlier, the entire exit was set up so I'd walk off and be in front of the parlor and the bus would just continuously loop around four blocks until I'm done. Not that the others no.

"Hey Rory!" I shout upon entering the little tattoo parlor where I'd gotten a small tattoo done before. Rory was the owner and was a good friend with three cute little girls. I'd manage to pull a few strings and got the burly guy on security detail during our stay in this state.

"Aye, Mike!" He shouts coming out of the back room with an extremely confused looking teenager. Who leaves the store a couple seconds later.

"So your here for a tattoo?" He concludes, giving me a warm smile. It contrasted his scary biker dude appearance but the man was like a teddy bear. Completely soft.

"Yeah, and an eyebrow piercing." I grin, leaning against the counter and examining the grungy artwork pasted on the walls. After closely looking at it most of the art turned out to be Star Wars related or graffiti fonts. There was a pretty badass one of Yoda in typical gangster clothing dropping sick beats, as it was depicted anyway.

"Do you have something in mind?" He asks, gesturing to the art on the walls.

"I was wondering if you could do some trace work." I ask, stepping closer.

>< >< >< ><

"Michael! Can you fucking stop? Just because you had the balls to pierce your brow does not mean you can do whatever you want!" Luke yells, gesturing to the jug of juice on the counter.

"Hey, stop swearing." Ashton scolds half-heartedly while scrolling on his phone.

"This is the third time he's done this!" Luke exclaims, angrily picking up the jug and thrusting it back into the fridge.

"Okay, you know what? It was actually Calum." I come clean, gesturing to the kiwi boy playing COD and not paying attention.

I get up and head into the miniature bathroom. I'd told Rory to fill the tattoo in however he wanted as long as he got the basic outline, and because it hurt ike a bitch I could really tell he went to town on my skin.

I remove the bandage and stare in awe at the dark purple ink covering my side, patterns ranging from simple lines to tribal prints filled up the fingers and palm. 

I took a deep breath, was this really a good idea? Getting something so symbolic etched into my skin wasn't really the plan this morning.

I have Calum permanantly on me. Forever.

His hand print will be there when I die, when I'm old, when I'm married, when I'm no longer part of a band. Calum coud break up with me and I'd be screwed. 

I still don't reget it.

#no regrets

"Hey Micha-" Luke opens the door and I have no time to pull my shirt back on.

"Oh my god." He whispers, staring at my new tattoo with a wide mouth.

A/N: Hello, sorry for slacking.

FUN FACT: I can bake shit without setting everything on fire (I'm taking Home Ec thing class at school)

ULTRA FUN FACT: My hair is now the colour of a seriously bright Pilon.

Have a lovely day xx

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