1.5K 41 16


I just came out and said it. I reached 100 followers today, Sept. 17, 2014. This is a pretty big accomplishment for me. I never imagined I'd get this far. I've always thought my books would be those really crappy ones nobody reads.

But look at me now. YouTubers' Revenge has 1k reads and 53 votes. An AntSparklez Story has 763 reads and 39 votes. And Team Hybrid has 17k reads and 753 votes. Y'all have no idea how much I appreciate you. I wouldn't be here without you. This is one of the biggest moments in my life. Literally. I'm not kidding you.

Now I have some special thanks to give out:

@sweetirishamber for making my beautiful profile picture and being awesome

@wildface1010 for being a great friend

@TheEnderWoman for being an amazing friend and helping me when I needed it

and last but not least

@AdamAndBudderLover for being one of the bestest friends I have ever had. She is amazing. She's helped me out in rough times. She's an amazing friend in general and has helped me out with so many different things. I will never be able to thank her enough. Thank you.

I can't forget CaptainSparklez. I wouldn't be on Wattpad if it wasn't for him.

I will be doing some special things for 100 followers. I am gonna write a book with ten of them in it. I am also gonna show mah face. Via profile pic.

Thanks mah friendz, I really appreciate ya.

Team Hybrid (Team Crafted Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now