Logan was snapped out of his thoughts by the surface of the water rippling. Patton was calling. Logan sighed, blowing out a few bubbles, and swam up.

"Hey Logan!" The fawn giggled.

"Salutations Patton." Logan said, leaning against the edge of the mer-pool, "Has the human woken up? And how is Virgil?"

Patton frowned, "the human hasn't woken up yet, but Virge is doing okay, he wants to thank you for saving him."

Logan blushed and turned away, "Anyone would have, I was just at the right place at the right time."

"Come on Lo, if anything come in for breakfast?" Patton begged.

Logan sighed, "Alright."

Patton smiled, "that's the spirit!"

Logan smiled lightly and pulled himself out of the water. He snapped on his bracelet and transformed from fins to legs. The merman stood shakily. Patton reached out his arm for Logan to hold.

The two made their way inside to see Virgil laying on the couch, stretching his good wing.

"Hey Virge, you okay kiddo?" Patton asked.

The Garuda jumped, "O-oh, hey Patton, I'm okay, just a bit sore."

"Okay kiddo," Patton said, "I'm gonna start on breakfast."

Virgil nodded and sat up. Logan curled up on the couch opposite of Virgil.

"So," Logan cleared his throat, "why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

Virgil shrugged, "there's not very much to tell."

"Lets start simple then." Logan said, "how old are you? I'm two hundred fifteen years old."

"You're two hundred?!" Virgil exclaimed, "you don't look older than twenty."

Logan chuckled, "Thank you, mer-people have much longer lifespans."

Virgil nodded and gave a small laugh, "I'm only nineteen."

"You're just a kiddo, kiddo!" Patton gasped.

Virgil chuckled, "yeah. So, uh, how old are you Patton?"

"Oh, two hundred twenty." Patton giggled.

Virgil smiled and shook his head, "honestly, I wasn't sure what I was expecting."

Patton giggled and carried two plates into the room, "Scrambled eggs and bacon anyone?"

"Thank you Patton." Logan said, taking a plate.

"Thanks." Virgil said, doing the same.

"No problem kiddos." Patton smiled, eating berries out of a bowl.

They ate in silence until the bedroom door creaked opened.

"Hello?" The human called.

Patton almost dropped his bowl, "What do we do!?"

Logan set down his plate, "I will go talk to him."

"Be careful." Virgil whispered.

Logan nodded. The merman stood, walking around the corner and nearly running straight into the human.

"Oh, hello." The human smiled, "is this your house?"

"Er, no, this is my friends house." Logan glanced back to the living room, "I'm Logan."

"I'm Roman, wonderful to meet you!" The human smiled.

"Um, yes." Logan said shortly.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked, taking a step forward, "you seem a little tense."

Logan jumped back, "y-yes I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" The human tilted his head at the nervous merman.

Logan nodded, backing away a little more. But of course things had to go wrong and the merman tripped over his own feet.

Roman lunged forward to catch Logan, but only managed to catch the blue and white pearl bracelet. Logan's eyes went wide at the bracelet snapped off.

Logan fell to the ground with a flash of blue light.

"Hey Logan are you-!" Patton gasped loudly as he came around the corner.

"What in the name of Disney is going on!?" Roman yelled, "you-you have a tail! And-and he has hooves!?"

"Hey kiddo, i-its okay." Patton laughed nervously, "why don't you come sit down and we can explain everything?"

"P-patton," Logan gasped out, his gills flaring, "help."

Patton gasped and picked up Logan, half carrying him out to the mer-pool.

"Oh my god, what happened!?" Virgil asked.

"He's a mermaid- merman?!" Roman yelled, rubbing his head.

Virgil screamed and flared his wings, causing Roman to yell as well.

"Y-you have wings!" Roman shouted.

"You shot me!" Virgil yelled back.

Roman's face dropped, "I-I-"

"Is everyone okay here?" Patton asked, walking back in.

Virgil shrugged, eyeing Roman warily.

"I'm very confused." Roman said.

"Well kiddo, why don't you sit down." Patton said, shifting from hoof to hoof.

Roman nodded, sitting down on the couch with a wince. Patton sighed and sat next to Virgil.

"So kiddo, you've heard of mermaids, centars, vampires, and creatures like that, right?" Patton asked.

Roman nodded, "yes, but those are all myths and fairytales."

"Not excactly kiddo." Patton said, "they're all real. I'm a fawn, Logan is a merman, and Virgil here is an Garuda."

"So, you're telling me that everything is real?" Roman asked.

Patton nodded and smiled softly, "yeah."

"This has to be a dream." Roman quickly stood, but doubled over in pain, holding his wound.

"Careful kiddo!" Patton said, rushing over and catching Roman, "you're not well enough to move too much."

Roman nodded, "yes, perhaps it would be best to just lay down for a moment."

"Alright kiddo, I'll go make you some breakfast." Patton said.

The fawn walked into the kitchen. He sighed and rubbed the small scar on his leg. Patton shook his head, this wasn't the same human. Besides, Roman will be gone soon anyway. Right?

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