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T.W.: panic attack

"Everyone ready?" Roman asked, looking at the other three with Remy sitting on his feet.

"You betcha kiddo!" Patton giggled.

The fawn was wearing a pair of tan pants and an old blue tee-shirt. Next to him, Virgil was adjusting the dark grey hoodie around his shoulders.

"Yeah yeah, let's just get this over with." The Garuda grumbled.

Roman chuckled lightly, "okay, come on."

The car ride to the mall was full of talk. Patton was trying to get Virgil exited for the mall and Virgil playing along. Logan kept asking questions about cars and how they worked, which Roman tried to answer to the best if his ability.

Eventually, they made it to the mall. It was a large, tanish-grey building.

"Woa-!" Patton cut off with a cough, "I got over excited."

"It looks like..." Logan paused, "a normal building."

"It looks like a place were there's a lot of humans." Virgil said, glancing around the parking lot, "So let's just get in, get what we need, and get out."

"Oh come on Virge, I know a store you might like." Roman grinned.

Virgil rolled his eyes and opened the door, "fine."

They all piled out of the car and headed into a clothing shop.

"Oh my gosh!" Patton squealed, rushing over to one of the racks.

He pulled a grey garment off the rack and held it up in front of him.

Logan clicked his tongue slightly, "Is that a cat onesie?"

Patton nodded excitedly.

"Why?" Logan asked, "aren't you allergic?"

Patton shrugged, "I like cats!"

Roman smiled, "if you like it you can get it."

"Yay! Thanks kiddo!" Patton giggled, hugging the onesie.

They wandered around the mall, Patton darting in and out of shops. Logan got a blue tie, saying it reminded him of the ocean.

Roman felt a small tugg on the sleeve of his jacket. He turned to see Virgil holding a black jacket.

"Is there a place to get fabric here?" The Garuda asked.

"Yeah, there's a store across the hall," Roman told him, "just meet back at the car when you're done, I think everyone got everything we need."

"Okay." Virgil nodded and went to the fabric shop.

Virgil smiled lightly as he entered. There were so many colours and textures. Virgil ran his fingers over the selection of cloth, feeling calm for the first time in a long while.

One piece of fabric caught his eye. A purple, plaid roll of soft cloth. Virgil grabbed it and took it to the counter where a cashier was waiting.

"Good morning sir, how can I help you?" They said.

Virgil smiled at their bright pink hair, looking at their name tag reading Talyn. Maybe he would dye his hair...

"Hi, um, just a yard of this please?" Virgil said, fidgeting with the sleeve of Roman's hoodie.

"Yeah sure." They said, starting to cut the fabric.

Virgil paid and gave Talyn a nod before making his way out of the shop. It didn't take very long, so Virgil thought he would check back at the other place before going to the car.

Virge walked across the hall and looked in. Not seeing the rest of them, he turned to exit the mall and go to the car. As he turned, he ran into someone. Then before he could apologise another person ran into him. Then another. And another.

Virgil started to panic. Too many people. Too many humans. He felt his breathing pick up as he tried to make his way out of the croud. Virgil's back hit the wall and he slid down to the ground. He wrapped his arms over his head to try to block out the noise.

"Virgil!" Roman called.

They had been waiting by the car, but Virgil never showed up. Roman had decided to go back inside to look for him. He found Virge huddled in a corner in the middle of a panic attack.

"Virge?" Roman asked, kneeling in front of him, "can I touch you?"

Virgil looked up and nearly threw himself into Romans arms. Roman could feel him shaking. He started running the Garuda's back, slipping his hand under the jacket to pet Virgil's wings. Virgil whimpered, but started to relax.

"Are you okay?" Roman asked quietly.

Virgil nodded and pulled away, "can we go home?"

Roman nodded, cupping Virgil's cheek  and running his thumb over the dark smudges under his eye. To Roman's surprise, it wasn't makeup. It was very tiny feathers, softer than a kitten.

Virgil sighed and leaned into the touch. His adrenaline was still going and his hands were shaking. A few moments later, Roman helped him up and lead him to the car.

Virgil bit his lip as he leaned on Roman.

"Ro?" Virgil whispered, "are we... together?"

"Like dating?" Roman asked.

Virgil nodded.

Roman paused for a moment, "only if you want to be."

Virgil smiled lightly and nodded, "I'd like that."

Roman smiled and tilted Virgil's chin up, "may I kiss you?"

Virgil nodded and closed the gap between them. Roman pulled Virgil closer and deepened the kiss.

"I love you." Virgil whispered against Roman's lips.

Roman smiled lightly, "I love you too."

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