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The doorbell rang a few more times before anyone moved.

"Nope!" Virgil yelled, flying down the hallway.

Patton ran after him, saying, "Wait kiddo-!"

"Perhaps it would be best to wait to meet your friend." Logan said, scurrying down the hall with the other two.

Roman sighed and went to open the door.

"Hey Joa-"

"ROMAN PRINCE SANDERS WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Joan yelled, hugging their friend tightly.

"I'm getting slightly mixed feelings here." Roman said, patting Joan's head.

"I was worried about you, you idiot!" They huffed, crossing their arms.

Roman scratched the back of his head, "Sorry. Why don't you come in and I'll tell you everything."

"You better." Joan pointed their finger in Romans chest and walked in.

They flopped down on the couch and Remy jumped up on their stomach. Roman closed the door and sat down next to them.

"Talk." Joan said, scratching Remy's ears.

"Its a long- weird -story," Roman sighed, "So first, fairies and centaurs and stuff do exist. And I know it sounds crazy but please trust me!"

Roman sighed again, "There's this Naga, a snake person, his name is Deceit and he tricked me into getting lost in a forest and shooting Virgil, a Garuda, which is a person with wings, and then Deceit stabbed me and I found a small house and there was a fawn living there with a merman who can turn into a human and then Virgil ran away and was attacked by Deceit and then Logan got banished from the sea and Patton's house burned down and now their all hiding in my guest room."

Joan nodded with wide eyes, "oh-kay. Ro, I think you hit your head or something."

Roman groaned and fell back against the couch, "You don't believe me."

They shook their head, "not at all."

Roman sighed, "I swear I'm telling the truth."

"Okay." Joan said, "prove it."

"I have the scar from the stab wound?" Roman offered, lifting up his shirt.

"Holy shit Roman! You said you were okay!" Joan yelled, sitting up quickly.

"I am! Well, now I am." Roman said.

Joan sighed, "are you sure."

"Yes." Roman said firmly.

"Alright. I have to go," Joaun sighed, "I'm supposed to be picking up your brother from the airport right now."

Roman's eyes went wide, "Does Thomas know I'm back!?"

Joan shook their head, "I'll tell him when I see him."

Roman nodded, "I'll brace myself for the call."

Joan laughed lightly and opened the door, "See you, Sanders."

"Bye Joan." Roman waved as Remy jumped on his lap.

As soon as the door shut, Patton came around the corner.

"Hey kiddo." Patton said, "how'd it go?"

"Worse than I was expecting but not too bad.' Roman admitted.

Patton sat on the couch next to Roman and hugged him. Remy stretched out on both of their laps.

"It'll be okay." Patton said, "I'm sure they'll come around."

Roman smiled and leaned his head on the fawns shoulder, "Thanks."

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