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T.W.: blood

Logan's nose twitched. The smell of human blood made his head swim. He shook himself, he could control this.

Logan quietly made his way over to the shaking fawn, "Patton, go hide, there's a human at the door, I can smell them."

Patton gasped quietly, "they're injured!?"

Logan nodded, "I'll give them directions to the nearest human civilization."

"Are you sure?" Patton asked.

"I look the most human, so yes." The merman said.

Patton took one of Logan's hands and looked up at him, "you know that's not what I meant."

Logan sighed, "go hide."

Patton nodded and went around the corner. Logan went up to the door and opened to cautiously, the smell of blood being much stronger now.

The human was unconscious, slumped against the wall of Patton's house and bleeding from a large gash in his stomach. In his hand was a gun.

"Patton!" Logan called.

The fawn trotted over and gasped.

"Patton, we don't know if he's the one that shot-" Logan started.

"I don't care Logan!" Patton said, picking up the human, "we have to help him."

Logan sighed and nodded, his head getting fuzzy, "I-I need to go, are you sure you're going to be able to handle him?"

Patton nodded, "yeah, I don't think he's gonna wake up anytime soon."

"Alright." Logan said, "I'll be in the pool if you need me."

Logan walked out, the fresh air helping to clear his head. The merman sat in the edge of the mer-pool and took off his bracelet. A flash of blue light and he had a tail again. Logan sighed happily as he slipped into the water. This was where he belonged.

Logan swam down to the bottom of the pool and curled up, falling into a restless sleep.

The next morning Logan woke up to laughter.

"Hey look, it's the Killer Whale!"

Logan groaned, his gills fluttering. It was Swordfish and Angler.

"So," Swordfish continued, "Smelled any fresh blood recently?"

Logan suddenly got an idea. He smirked.

"As a matter of fact I have." Logan said, "human blood."

The two other mer-people jumped back, laughing nervously.

"F-funny Killer," Angler laughed, adjusting her sunglasses.

"I'm not joking." Logan smirked, "he's just above water, I saw him with my own eyes."

Swordfish gulped as Logan continued.

"In fact, he could kill all of us right-" Logan jumped forward, "-NOW!"

Angler screamed and swam away as fast as she could, Swordfish following quickly after.

"Screw you, you half-shark freak!" Swordfish shouted over his shoulder.

Logan winced. It wasn't his fault he was half shark. The merman sunk down to the soft sand on the bottom of the pool.

Mixing species wasn't forbidden, but it was highly frowned apon. Logan glanced back at his tail, his very orca looking tail, and sighed. Sharks were considered vicious even in the mer-society. They weren't allowed near normal hospitals, they weren't allowed certain jobs, and they certainly weren't allowed a voice.

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