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(There's a brief implication of suicide, but I don't think it's enough for a full t.w., so here's just a heads up)

Deceit was asleep on the couch, curled up in Virgil's wings, the latter also sleeping. Remy was on his phone, one hand alternating between petting Deceit's scales and smoothing down Virgil's feathers.

Patton was in the kitchen making breakfast with Roman and Logan. Logan was figuratively beating himself up for not recognising any signs and Patton was being strangely quiet. Roman sighed.

Patton's hands shook as he flipped a pancake. Roman immediately too k notice.

"Patt," he said quietly, taking one on the fawns hands, "Why don't you take a break, I'll finish breakfast."

Patton's lip quivered and he hugged Roman tightly.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Roman asked, combing his fingers through the fawns hair.

"W-what if Dee tries to... do something, and we're not there to help him?" Patton whimpered, "I don't wanna lose him... It was hard enough almost losing you and Virge and I just-"

Patton broke off with a sob, crying into Romans chest. Logan came up behind Patton and held the fawns shoulders comfortingly.

"I promise you Patt, we'll make sure he doesn't do that." Logan said quietly, "depression is tricky, but it can be helped. And we'll do our hardest to help him with anything he needs. That goes to all of our boyfriends, including you Patt."

"Excactly. What Logan said." Roman smiled, making Patton laugh lightly.

Patton kissed Roman, then turned and kissed Logan, "Thank you. I love you all so much, I just dont wanna lose anyone."

"I know Patt." Roman said, "I don't want to lose anyone either."

"Same-size." Logan smiled.

Patton laughed, "You might wanna change that vocab card a little Lo, that's not how you pronounce it."

"Also it has the wrong connotation for this conversation." Roman told him.

Logan blushed and nodded, "oh, I will keep that in mind."

Roman chuckled and kissed the side of Logan's head, "I love you, my nerd."

Logan smiled, "I love you too, my, er, dramatic prince?"

Roman laughed, "valid attempt."

Patton giggled, "well I love both of you! And breakfast is almost done so could you two wake our other lovely boyfriends?"

(Fun fact:  Virgil was supposed to have a nightmare induced by Remy's paranoia about Dee, but it got fluffy and I just rolled with it 😹)

Mystics (Sanders Sides)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz