Am I Good Enough For You?

Start from the beginning

Stuttering... cold and damp...
Steal the... warm wind... tired friend...
Times are gone... for honest men....
And sometimes far too long for snakes
In my shoes... a walking sleep
And my youth I pray to Keep....
Heaven send hell away no one sings like you anymore...."

He stops for a few more moments and opens his eyes again, looking down at his fingers on his Cherry Burst Gibson.

"Hang my head... drown my fear...
'Til you all just....disappear...

Black Hole Sun... won't you come...
And wash away the rain...
Black Hole Sun... won't you come... won't you come... won't... you... come," He sings,  slowly trailing off.

He sits with the guitar in silence for a few moments, looking down at his fingers that still pressed the strings with the last chord and then lets go, dropping his hands to his lap. He flips his curls out of his face, then reaches over and stops the tape. He continues to sit there for a few moments almost in a daze, wondering just what the hell and where that came from. Most of the time, when that happens it's like it doesn't phase him... he just lets the moment flow, and is able to remember it even if he can't write it down right away. But this time was the first time where he desperately didn't want to loose it and forget. It doesn't even sound like a Soundgarden song but it was like something just flowed through him in that moment that he couldn't explain.


"Babe...?" Chris calls as he walks up from the basement stairs and sees me still reading on the couch.
"Yea...?" I say still looking at my book.
"Let's go out and grab something to eat... I don't know about you but I'm hungry..." Chris says as he walks over to me. I look up at him and he takes the book out of my hands, and closing it.

"Hey... my spot though," I say.
"Shit... sorry...but... um... lets go out babe... get outta the house for a bit" He says and I take my book back trying to find where I was.
"Um... ok I guess..." I say, giving up on trying to find my page and setting the book down on the space beside me. Chris looks down at me giving me a pleading look.

"Where were you thinking of...?" I ask.
"Let's go to Lola's... we haven't been there in a while... I know you love their steak on a bun," Chris says as he looks down at me. I think it over for a few moments and then look back up at him, seeing the pleading look on his face... how can I say 'no' to him.

"Ok... um... I'll have to change," I say as I look down over myself laying in my black yoga pants and black tank top with no bra and my hair all up in a messy ponytail.
"Ok..." He says smiling at me. I look at him a little awkwardly and then swing my legs over the couch and then make my way upstairs to change into something more presentable.

I decided to change into a black mini lacy long sleeve dress, one that I haven't worn in such a long time and hugged my curves in all the right places.  I left my hair up but fixed it so it looked a little less messy in a bad way and more messy in a good way, spritzed a bit of perfume, Chris's favorite and put on my lacy open toed heel wedges, then made my way downstairs. I see Chris at the entry way, already in his Leather jacket, his curls perfectly resting just past his shoulders, clad in his black baggy below the knee shorts, his black button up shirt and his Doc Martens. I see Chris's eyes grow wide as I walk over to him to grab my leather jacket.

"Hi," He says so sweetly.
"Hi," I smile back at him.

"I hope this isn't too much...?" I say, looking down at myself, smoothing over my dress.
"No, baby... you look beautiful," He says and I look back up at him as we lock eyes for a few moments. He then grabs my jacket for me and opens the front door, letting me walk outside first, his hand touching the small of my back as and closing the door behind him.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now