L'Andrew The Love Child

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Seattle Washington,
January 28, 1990

It was a couple of weeks later and I was back home in Seattle while Soundgarden was on a short break before heading back to New York for a gig and starting the European leg of the tour. Since my mom had told me about getting sick I've been talking to her everyday when I get home from work. All I want to do is go home and spend as much time with her as I can. It's hard to even concentrate at work because I just want to be there for my mom.

Chris had plans to hang out with Andy while Xana was at work and Chris wanted me to come along to help get my mind off my mom, even though I'd rather just stay home, drink and lay on the floor and listen to music blasting in my ears from my stereo, I decide to go. And just meet Chris there.

I Arrive at Andy's apartment and ring the buzzer.

"Welcome to L'Andrew's Love Child Palace how can I serve you?" Andy says in his best receptionists voice.

"Andy it's me," I laugh. And the door buzzes me in. I climb the stairs to his apartment that he shares with Xana and I see him standing at the door in a dramatic pose, leaning against the door frame. His long blonde hair just as wild as ever, with his tight fitting ripped jeans and his colourful Hawaiian shirt.

"Welcome, welcome... please come in," He says dramatically. I laugh and shake my head at him.

"Andy..." I laugh as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

"Hi....come on in," He says breaking character and gestures for me to come in. It had been a while since I've seen Andy and over the year that I have been with Chris, Andy and I have become closer. Not as close as I am with Kim, but nevertheless, Andy has been so sweet to me.

I walk in to his apartment and it seems I am the first one there.

"Jeff and Stone are on their way and Chris said he would be a little late," Andy says as he closes the door behind us.

"Oh... ok,"I say.

"Would you like a drink my love?" He asks as he walks over to the tiny kitchenette and opens the fridge.

"Yes I would love one," I exhale and take off my leather jacket.  Andy grabs 2 beers from the fridge and opens one to hand it to me. I take the beer from him and I grab a seat on the couch over in the far corner sat Andrew's guitars beside a TV that was smashed in from the front.

" Didn't you just get... that?" I ask as I take a sip.

"Oh.. uh yea...well you know how it goes..." Andy says as he walks over to the couch and sits beside me.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Meh..." I say and take a sip. I look down and notice his arm. It was slightly bruised and had a few marks that didn't look familiar. I decide not to ask him about it. I'm pretty sure he gets that enough from the others.

"I'm sorry... Chris told me about your mom," Andy sips his beer and looks at me.

"Yea...? well...." I exhale and look down at my beer.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"No.." I say quietly.

"You wanna drink about it?" He smiles at me.

"Yes," I say completely sure that, that's exactly what I want to do. He holds up his beer and I clink mine to his. He smirks at me and we both take a drink. The door buzzer goes off in the apartment and  Andy pats my thigh and stands up to let some more people in. I sip my beer and Andy opens the door and does his dramatic welcoming again which makes me laugh. Stone and Jeff arrive with their guitars and greet me as Andy hands them drinks and coming in right behind them was Chris.

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