Kim's Basement

800 22 2

Seattle Washington,
January 15, 1991

"You don't think it's stupid do you?" Chris asks.
"No man... it works... it totally works..." Kim says as he plucks the strings of his Gibson Firebird.

Chris sat on a stool in Kim's basement reading from the scribbles of paper that lay out before him. Kim had turned the basement of his house into a rehearsal room and since Temple Of The Dog had just released their album, Chris immediately wanted to start on the next Soundgarden record.

"Ok... ok cool so.. it would go
I got up feeling so down
I got off being sold out
I've kept the movie rolling
But the story's getting old now, oh yeah
I just looked in the mirror
And things aren't looking so good
I'm looking California and feeling Minnesota, oh yeah..."

Chris sings the first verse as Kim picks up on the riff that he could hear, while Chris sang.
"Yea...?" Chris smiles at him.
"Fuck yea..." Kim smiles back as Chris looks down at the lyric sheet and just starts randomly playing some tune.

"You want a beer?" Kim asks as he sets down his guitar.
"Yea," Chris says as he sets his guitar aside and leans it against the amp. He looks around the room looking at everything Kim had done with the place and realized he should probably invest in his on house as well.

"Fuck... What you did down here is really cool man..." Chris says flipping his curls out of his face as Kim hands him a beer.
"Yea... it's still a work in progress but. It was time to finally, you know, buy a home, make it my own... kinda thing," Kim says and takes a sip of his beer.

"Fuck... it sucks Ben couldn't get here... he was telling me about some material he wrote and I wanted him to come over so we could all jam together..." Kim says.
"Yea he uh... showed me a piece he was working on and man... it's fucking cool... but we'll have to get together tomorrow I guess. He was just busy today... or something," Chris says and takes a sip of his beer. There was a bit of silence between them and then Kim needed to at least address the big elephant in the room.

"So...Andi... yea?" Kim nods and Chris gives him a weird look.
"What about her?" Chris says flatly and takes a sip of his beer.
"Have you seen her...? Have you talked to her...?" Kim tries to elaborate and Chris takes a longer drink of his beer.

"For your information, I have tried to call her but she didn't call me back... so... I figure she just wants some space which is fine... I will give her all the time she needs..." Chris says and downs the rest of his beer.
"Well... ok I know I'm the last person to get involved here but... fuck... you need to go and see her," Kim says.
"Why...? She's the one ignoring me... she's the one who pushed me away when all I'm trying to do is be there for her..." Chris says as he gets up off the stool and heads towards the fridge to grab another beer.

"Well I know that... but man...just go and talk to her in person... like catch her at work or something... somewhere where she can't push you away or something," Kim says as he takes another sip. Chris opens another beer and walks back over to the stool and sits down. He leans forward on his knees and flips his curls out of his face.

"What happened anyways?" Kim asks, since Andi wasn't clear on the specifics he figured he try with Chris.
"Well... you know her mom's really sick right...?"
"So we had to fly back to her hometown to find out what happened. Her mom had to go in for emergency surgery. She had some blood clotting from the chemo and blood transfusions and so they were able to save her but her mom decided to stop treatment and Andi's not taking it well at all. As soon as we got back to Seattle she completely pushed me away... she wouldn't talk... she completely shut herself down to me. She had a break down in the car at the hospital but that was the last time I saw any sort of response from her since then," Chris explains while Kim just listens.

"Fuck man..." Kim says and sips his beer.
"It sucks cause I know what she's going through... I know that feeling of numbness and darkness but she won't let me in...It's been a long fucking time..." Chris says as he sits back on the stool and takes a sip of his beer.

"Just go see her man... she'll let you back in," Kim says and Chris looks at him then back down at his beer. He has no idea how this got so complicated. He does need to see her, to prove to her he's not going anywhere.
"Yea... I hope so," Chris says and takes a sip.
"Come on... this is Andi we're talking about here... she loves you man... she just needs time... I'm sure once she sees you, everything will go back the way it was..." Kim says as he finishes his beer.

"Yea..." Chris smiles at him.
"Come on... lets uh... jam some more?" Kim says as he taps him on the shoulder.

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