Faith moved through the mist of the jungle. The leaves and branches of the tree whipped at her armor as she ran by. She avoided several small disc-like sensors on the ground by jumping and flipping with the strength, speed, and skills that the top gymnasts could only fantasize about. Faith was always a fast runner, but with AMPED, she could run as fast as seventy-eight kilometers per hour.

"You have to enter the base through the loading dock," Lydia's voice rang in Faith's ear. "It on the far west side of the base."

"Acknowledge," Faith responded. She speeded around the trees, making her way to the far west side of the base.  When she got there, she noticed the loading dock doors were ajar. "The door is open. Is that normal?"

"Not sure," Lydia answered. "I'm not aware of Alessio's protocol, so process with caution."

"Yes, ma'am," Faith said. She entered the docking bay. There were no ships or packages in the room, just a podium in the center of the room and a door on the other side.

 "You must close the dock doors and pressurized the room," Lydia said. "There should be a control nearby."

Faith located the control panel which was on the podium. "Found it."

"Don't do anything yet," Lydia ordered. "You might set off an alarm. Let me see what I can do." This was the area the Lydia excelled. Her fingers moved with the speed and the efficiency of a concert pianist. She was able to disable the alarm system and the security cameras of the base. "You are clear."

"Why don't you close the docking doors and pressurized the room," Faith joked.

"This is your test," Lydia said, "not mine. I'm activating your bodycam." With the cam on, Lydia could better assist Faith. 

Faith was able to close the door with no problem. The room sealed and pressurized. "I guess it is time to kick some ass." Even though Faith never met the man, she already had a hatred for him. Sex slaves were a big underworld business in Drillis's society. The male Drilli always had a strange obsession with human females. No one understood the reason, but they did. Faith despised the practice. Alessio, who was human, sold out his own people. She would have no problem killing him.

"Be careful."

"Sounds like you care." Faith blushed as Lydia expressed some concern.

"On with the mission." Lydia tried to keep Faith focus on the task at hand.

Faith walked to the door. It opened and there were two guards on each side. She kicked one of the guards in the knee breaking his leg and forearmed the other in his neck crushing his throat and killing him. She grabbed the other guard's head before he had a chance to hit the floor. With a fast and strong twist, snapped his neck.

Two down and hundred and ninety-eight to go, Faith thought. She went room to room. Most of the staff at the base weren't armed and made quick work of them, a single strike to vital pressure points or a fast neck break. One room and there were four armed guards. They noticed her and opened fire. Dodging their attacks with the flexibility and the quickness they never have seen before. Faith ran toward the guards, jumped and somersaulted in the air landing knees first on one of the guards' shoulders. With a strong and quick twist of her legs, she snapped his neck. She jumped off his dead body and performed a flying roundhouse kick hitting the soldier next to him. The hit was so hard that it killed him. She high kicked the other one in the face. The kick jammed part of his skull into his brain. She grabbed the last guard by the throat and ripped out his larynx, making the room rain with blood, took great joy and pleasure in killing armed guards. Her body count was adding up, but she still had a lot of work to do.

Project FaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora