
When Sakura arrived at the apartment premises, to her surprise, Sasuke's car was already parked outside. She immediately went inside the apartment and saw Sasuke in his business suit. He was roaming around the apartment before she came in.


His eyes met hers, but he immediately turned to look at a different direction.

"I didn't know you were coming this early."
"Had some change of plans." He said with his cold voice.
"Is.. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, Sakura. I apologize for the delay. At Hachijojima, I told you we will talk about this relationship once we got back but I got too busy."
"Sasuke. It's okay. I.. I was hoping to tell you that.. I really-" She shrugged.

"Let's just end this." He still wasn't looking at Sakura.

The words struck to her like a dagger suddenly pierced in her chest. It took her a while just to say, "Really?" She tried not to sound hurt.

"This pretend relationship - it was all fake and we did it quite well and professionally, didn't we?"
"We did." Sakura's voice is about to crack.
"I no longer see the point. I introduced you to my parents, that's all I wanted here, and you- you finally got back with him didn't you?"

"Wait. No.. I.." She was fighting back her tears.
Sasuke smirked, "Save your excuses. On my way here I saw you two together."
"But it wasn't l-"
"It wasn't like that? You two kissed." Sasuke ran his fingers through his hair, exasperated. "I am many things, Sakura. Stupid is not one of them."

Sasuke felt the exhaustion from his work, he had been doing a lot of overtime as well, and he just wants to get this over with.
"Regarding this apartment, you are still welcome to stay. I can still continue to pay for my half. You are still free to contact me regarding work if there's a need."

There was nothing else to say. Another word from her and Sakura was going to lose it and breakdown. She just nodded. In her mind, she is now planning to look for another apartment and just move on. How did she end up in this mess? That's right. It was all her fault.

It was her fault. None but hers.

She only got him involved. She was the one who needed him for such a petty plan. She was the only one who got attached. It was all her fault for letting this happen. She had no right to complain.

The raven headed out of the apartment, he could no longer take it. The pinkette looked like she was in pain, but the thought of her and her ex kept circling around his mind. She still loved her ex and there was no chance for the two of them. It was that thought that made him walk out and gave him the courage to say, "Goodbye, Sakura."

"Goodbye, Sasuke." She said as she closed the doors. Tears finally went out of her heavy eyes.

This was all too much for one day.


Another few weeks had passed since then, and weeks later turned into a couple of months. It was almost winter so the clouds had been gloomy most of the days. Sakura had no contact with Sasuke, because she knew there was no need. It made her sad but she believed she only got attached to him because she was lonely, she was brokenhearted, she was damaged, plus they had more than just simple physical contact. At least that's what she keeps telling herself. Her best friends supported her theory but they weren't really convinced. On the other hand, Sasori, had been trying to contact her. He was only able to reach her once. Sakura told him she refuse to talk as of the moment, that she needed more time and space. Surprisingly, he agreed and told her he will be waiting until she was ready.

Every Sunday, Sakura would find different kinds of flowers on her doorstep, a gesture only Sasori would do. She knew Sasori's way of peace making was giving her flowers. Sakura learned her lesson though, this wasn't enough to prove he had changed. At times, when Sakura is alone at the apartment, she would think of Sasori and the idea of getting back with him, and whenever she does, Sasuke's face would suddenly light up in her mind as a distraction.

Sakura never knew what Sasuke felt. They never had the chance to talk so much. If she does see him again, she'll only ask one thing: was everything fake to him? She wanted to know. Sasuke was a mysterious guy that no one could read, she didn't know if he was just simply good at pretending to be her boyfriend and pretending he loved her. Probably. She wanted to know for herself. She wanted to hear from Sasuke directly that he had never felt anything for her of ang sorts. Maybe that would give Sakura a peace of mind.

On that very Sunday morning, Sakura decided to get up early so she can catch Sasori dropping off the flowers. Sasori arrived early as expected and was surprised by Sakura when she opened the door. Sakura invited him in, something she never given a second thought of.

"There's no need to drop off flowers, Sasori." Sakura smiled. "I love the gesture though, thank you."
"I knew you'd say that." Sasori smiled back as he shrugged. "I don't suppose this is a good time to talk?"
"It is a good time. Do you want a drink?"
"Some tea, if you have."
"Tea? Since when did you start drinking tea?" Sakura giggled as she went to the kitchen to prepare some.

"It's very calming," Sasori coughed, embarrassed. Sakura prepared their tea and some biscuits by the table shortly.
"Sakura, I did miss you."
The pinkette's smile faded a bit, "Yeah, I think I missed you too.. the old you, when we first met. And it's crazy but, I think the old you is starting to get back. Even better I think,"
"You think so?" He grinned. "I wish I took care of you better,"
"It's alright, Sasori. I'm sorry if I wasn't strong enough for the two of us."
"I was wrong for making you miserable. I hope you forgive me."
"I do forgive you.. but Sasori, I hope you understand that I.. I can no longer be with you. I wanted to let you know that I don't want to give you false hope anymore."

The look on Sasori's face changed, he was torn. The redhead wanted her back if he was honest to himself. But she was no longer willing to accept him. "Is it because of that guy?"
"I don't know. I just.. want to move on."
"You say that, but maybe you've already fallen for him."
"...maybe I do." Sakura shrugged.
"I'm not mad, Sakura. I understand. What I did to you was stupid, and I only wanted to say sorry about my behaviour. I was... under the influence of you know.. So I let our relationship slip on my palm. That was all my fault."
"It's alright.. I got over it, you know.." Sakura chuckled.

"Sakura, the day I lost my father, it was a mistake that I didn't let you know, I made you miserable because I was at my worst but that isn't an excuse. The day I lost you, I have realized how lost I was, how I've been so dependent on you. If.. If there's one thing I regret, it's letting you go. I'm sorry Sakura if I scarred you. Life was harsh on me after you left, it took me a while to realize that you were the one who made life easier for me. If you didn't leave, I wouldn't have known."

"I forgive you, Sasori.."
"Thank you," Sakura pulled him into a tight long hug, she was tearful, but this definitely gave her some peace of mind.
"Well, I must be going now, my shift is early today."
"I'll come visit there some time."
"Give me some tip if you do,"

Sakura accompanied Sasori out to the door. Sasori stole a kiss on her cheek before saying, "I hope it's not yet the end of us." Sakura blushed.

When Sasori walked out, Sakura saw a familiar car near the premises of the apartment stopped in front of the gates. It immediately left when Sakura got the sight of it.

It was too familiar for Sakura to forget.

It was Sasuke's car.

Let's keep it professional | SasuSaku [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now