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Sakura got to their apartment first. She was already packing up her clothes, her things, everything she owns. Tears were no longer there, but her heart sure hurts like crazy. She had made her decision.

She was leaving him. He paid for their apartment anyway, so she figured she'd be the one leaving if they do break up. She didn't know where to go, but she's going. Anywhere but here. She packed her luggages and bags for what seems to be an hour, but there was no sign of Sasori anywhere. He probably won't bother stopping her anyway.

She tried contacting Ino, Hinata and Tenten. Yet there were no answers from them. She was hoping to stay either of their places, but they couldn't be reached. The pinkette decided she'll try to reach them at the park. Sakura took all her luggages and bags outside and walked to the nearest park, still trying to get in touch with one of them. Ino and Hinata are probably with their boyfriends while Tenten might be in her Karate lessons and too busy to answer her phone. Though, she still tried to call them for a coupl3 more hours. She sighed in exasperation. She was sitting alone on the park bench, it was almost 11 at night and she was sleepy.

"Where are you going?"

Sakura was startled, fully awake. Standing in front of her was Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha, her neighbor, her colleague and top of their department, was looking at her in curiosity. He was wearing a gray sweaty shirt and pants and looked like he was just done night jogging. He looked immaculate even though he was sweaty. Sakura was only beginning to notice. The girls in the office were right. He's hot af. Sasuke was holding a black one liter tumbler and his white earphones were hanging on his neck.

"To be honest, I don't know." The pinkette shrugged. "So you finally decided to break up with him, huh?" He said.
"How- uhm.. is it that obvious?"
"I guess so." Looking at her luggages as he tried to say it with non chalance, hiding his sarcasm, but wasn't really good at it. Sakura glared.

"Sorry," he shrugged. "Well, where are you planning to stay?"
"I don't know yet," Sakura is almost crying. She doesn't know what to do. Should she go back? Maybe a cheap hotel? Does she even have enough money on her to afford it?
"Family? Friends?"
"I can't contact them."
"Look, it's almost midnight... and if you don't have anywhere to stay, you can crash in my apartment tonight." He offered.

Sakura laughed, but stopped immediately when she realized he was being serious. "Wait.. are you serious?" She almost choked on nothing.
"I think my mother raised me well enough not to leave a broken hearted woman on the streets in the middle of the night." He sounded sarcastic again.

"But..." Sakura was thinking. "The management.." Co-workers were not necessarily 'not allowed' to have a relationship but it was preferable if all will remain professional and not date each other as this causes problems that affects their productivity and thus, the company. Yes, she was worried about that.
"Are you seriously thinking of that now?" Sasuke raised his eyebrow.

Sakura swallowed.

She accepted his offer and only hoped she wouldn't see her boyfriend.... or rather, ex.


Their apartment door seemed untouched and there were no noise inside. Sakura figured Sasori didn't come home. Nevertheless, she was nervous upon entering Sasuke's premises.

If he would rape her here, the police would ask why was she here in the first place.

"Are you coming or not?" Sasuke invited her in, gesturing his hands inside.

Here goes.

Upon entering, Sakura witnessed a clean and neat apartment, almost unbelievable that a man owns this place.
"What?" He asks.
"Did you do this? The cleaning?"
"Not really, I pay someone to do it."

It kinda surprised her. Only an above average person could afford a maid cleaning his/her house or apartment weekly. Sakura kept that thought to herself though.

Sakura looked at Sasuke and stared at him. "Stop doing that," Sasuke says.
"What? Staring at you?"
"Yes, it is bothering me and I might return you back to the park if you continue doing that."

The pinkette crosses her arms and taps her feet, "I can't read you. You are mysterious as always and I don't know what's in it for you. What are you planning? Be honest with me."

"Nothing, Sakura. I live a boring normal life, and I am simply offering you a place to stay for the night." He grinned.

"You're grinning. You never do that. Or I never saw you do that ever." Sakura taps her feet even nervously.
"Fine. Whatever, you're right, I barely grin. It's just that you're very interesting."

"So you admit it? That I'm interesting? Is that why I'm here?"
"Geez it's not what you think," Sasuke ran his fingers through his hair, Sakura noticed how hot he looked by doing that. "Look, I know you've been suffering with that douchebag boyfriend of yours and I'm just interested and curious why you stayed anyway. It's stupid."

"Duh??? I love him! And I'm not stupid."
"Well - I don't know!" Sakura blushed.

"It's been a rough night for you, I'll let you sleep in my bed tonight, okay?" Sasuke offered as he carried her luggages by the living room. Cutting their conversation off.

"How dare you - I am not that easy!! I- I know that y-you've been hearing our bed rocking in the middle of the night but- I only do it with him because-"
Sasuke stopped on his tracks and cut her off before she could say more that will make him unable to control himself from laughing, "I meant you can stay in my bed but that doesn't mean you're sleeping with me. I'll crash in my couch, Sakura. If that's what you're worried about." He is hiding his laugh so bad he can't stop himself from smirking.

Sakura was even redder now. She bit her lip and said, "Oh, okay. Uhm goodnight then and thank you," She couldn't spare another embarrassing look to him, even though he looked super cute as he tried to hide his laughter.

Sasuke on the other hand, got even more interested, but that's just about it. He wasn't really into relationships anyways. His relationships with women are purely professional or physical only. It's either work, sex or none at all.

But he was being honest about what he said to Sakura. He was just interested and curious about her decisions and all - and probably because he wants to see the douchebag's face when he starts seeing his ex girlfriend with their neighbor.

Why is he doing this?

Well - probably because he has nothing else to do and probably because he had a few rows with that red haired guy before.

Let's keep it professional | SasuSaku [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now