Is the Holy Bible a Mystery or Is It a Mystery to Those Of Whom GOD Disapproves?

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Is the Holy Bible a Mystery or is it a Mystery to Those of Whom GOD Has Not Revealed?

Lord Jesus Is the Only Way

The Bible Explained

The Bible Explained


Keith St. C Nicholas

“Not by Power, Nor by Might, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.”


        Hi, My Name is Keith Nicholas. I am the third oldest of eight boys and one girl. The girl is eldest child.
         Around the age of, between four and five years old, as I sat on a mound of mold, that was dumped close to the edge of our then school pasture, I saw before me, white sheep. These sheep were spread out over the pasture.
        I was wide awake.
        When my normal vision returned, the sheep I saw, were little children on the pasture. As I came down from that hill, to make friends, and to go around as a child, I was conscious in the spirit, that I had been entering life as what you may say, is everyday life.
        I went to church as a child, and the church, luckily for me, was not abusive to children, as some wayward churches were, but this church was mostly genuine, and I enjoyed church and the activities. Yes they were rules, and restrictions, but all for our good. The teachers here were pious rather than looking pious (as some teachers in the world put on a face for parents but their works are of evil and hate rather than love). These teachers were strict, but never unfair, nor abusive. Lashes we got, but we always had plenty warnings aforetime, so we knew within ourselves we were deserving of the lashes, and loved the teachers in spite of the blows we got. This love, birthed in me, may have given me the spirit of love, and joy, and peace, and an understanding in fairness and pity.
Since then, many, many things have happened to me.
        Once, I had a spirit to laugh at almost anything (once it was not something bad): You could say “fridge”, and wait for me to laugh, and I’d burst out laughing. This happened around the childhood time of the mentioned vision: I may have been between four and seven years old.
I had later moved from that school, but I had gained a spirit of building friendships with the people, who were rejected. This behavior moved with me into my next school (our home had burned to the ground and we finally got a home from the government at the time).
        I did not care much about the world or anything, save for friendship and food, playing, and a little girl or two at the time, not understanding why I liked to see certain girls in particular, over the other little girls.
        During this time I saw a poster saying, “honesty is the best policy”. As a child I was captivated by the phrase… “Honesty is the Best Policy”. I took it to heart and my heart was transformed, and as well my behavior. And even though, to my remembrance, I was a well behaved child, my behavior increased significantly since accepting this as my bench mark. Little did I know, that GOD was working on my life, and choosing honesty, was in a sense, choosing the way of truth.
        Leaving this school I went onto secondary school, in the Island of birth, which is called Barbados in the Caribbean.
        I had always spoken to GOD in prayers, at meals, in the morning, or before bed; yet during the day it felt like GOD Almighty was always with me. It felt so good to talk to HIM, to share my little concerns and the little life HE has given me.
Pretty soon I was seeing the future. By this I mean I would see from out of my own eyes, years or months or weeks or days later, whilst being present here. This kept happening and to me, and it was random, although I came to realize the more closer I walked with GOD, the more easily the ability to see out my own eyes in the future. We were very, very poor children, and secretly loved handouts. We would even salvaged anything decent that people would throw away from the garbage heap, not far from our house.
        This friendliness of spirit also prevailed upon the kindness of people; My enemies even made loving peace with me, and more people became very happy to give.
        During the time of my poor teenage life, I was severely persecuted, by hunger, by family, and by people I knew not, both at home and at school. I often resorted to the fascinating world of the bible, and I loved the stories of the hardships and trickiness of the times of old, and the power of GOD moving in the lives of people: Little did I know that the bible is a book of testimonies: Things that had happened to real people only hundreds of years earlier. You see, the Holy Bible is the very accounts, of what had actually happened, and witnesses to the future.
        The GOD also, that I spoke with, turned out to be that Great Almighty GOD, who exists in the past, the present, and the future, and it was HIM who allowed me to see out my eyes, as I moved about in the future.
The people in the bible I found, as a comfort, since telling people what was going on (even if they believed) with me, they at that time did not seem to fully understand the implications of what that meant.
        Next, I started to believe in the GOD of the Holy Bible (Old King James Version), and presently knowing the verse that said, if you have faith as a mustard seed you shall say to this mountain move and be though cast into the sea and it will go, I tried this faith with a piece of paper, believing and warring against any doubt ….
        The paper, I saw, did not move at the time …. But through the years after, I saw, everything else did. I believed and trusted GOD, and the paper seemed to refuse to move, but what I did not seem to realise, was that the paper had been moving, it was, just, that the whole world was moving with it.
        Soon, I was talking and GOD was answering. I was healed of a badly damage leg, and also of two broken toes, of which I had never before seen healed, and these two toes had been so for many years. Yet, after praying and commanding the limbs to heal in the name of Jesus Christ, everything healed. Not only this, but GOD talked and taught me through his word, guiding my fingers and the pages.
        Soon I could understand many things, and not by my understanding, for mine understanding even till now, has to be continually cleansed, but the Holiness of GOD guides my impure thoughts and behavior to purity, and truth, and to understand many mysteries.
It is on this note that I will now attempt to explain that, that is in the bible.
I must note however that mine study is not fully 100% of the way, and some scriptures also supporting what is mentioned may not have been gotten, so you should still seek to study and trust GOD; For what HE withholds from me, HE may teach you, for it is GOD Himself that shows the way. No mortal man can of himself understand these mysteries, hence . . . denominations.

        This book does not propose to override, or in any way precede, the Holy Bible of the Old King James Version. The Holy Bible, GOD’s Word, remains that, GOD’s Word. All glory be to GOD Almighty Everlasting Conqueror Reigning Mighty Awesome Wonderful GOD. Allelujah.

Table of Contents

All Scripture 7

All Scripture

Where does scripture come from?

2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”
17 “That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
Ans. From GOD.

What is Scripture?
2 Peter 1:19-21
19 “We have a more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:”
20 “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”
21 “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”
Revelations 22:7, 10
7 “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.”
10 “And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.”

Ans. Written prophecy by men in the lives of men, of things or knowledge about GOD and who GOD is. (Prophecy is basically knowledge given from GOD. People who prophecy, are usually called prophets because they speak things that GOD knows, and this prophecy from GOD is always true). Prophecy speaks the knowledge of everything known and unknown as GOD allows one to know and speak. Many people prophecy things they did not themselves know till they spoke it. This is usually because the Holy Ghost gives them utterance of what is to be spoken at the time. Because this knowledge is from GOD, persons are able to know the future; because GOD dwells in the past, present, and future, Revelations 4:8 “And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” Whether you believe or not, I can only say I believe, for the things I have  seen have come to pass ;and I remember it before-time in the past as it plays out now as present.
Many people in the bible also spoke future events, some even told others things that was not possible for a person to naturally know, like Daniel in the book of Daniel 2:1-49 and 4:1-37, even throughout the Holy Bible (Old King James) book. In fact every prophet prophesied. Howbeit some prophets are not truly prophets, but either imagine themselves to be or place themselves there. Jeremiah 23:9-40 GOD exposes false prophets and states in verse 22 “But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.” So the prophets of GOD always prophecy against doing evil.
Scripture then is to let you know about GOD, HIS Wonderment and Fullness, and HIS great and mighty Love for you, but also HIS just ways and HIS dislike for evil, and sin, against HIM, and against one another (amongst ourselves).

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