Chapter 2

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It's times like these Bex misses her father, but you can't miss something you never had. she's staring off into the distance, watching the waves lap at the beach as her mind wanders deeper into the dark. 

"penny for your thoughts?" asks lana taking a seat beside her on the large grey rock overlooking the beach. 

"just thinking" replies Bex. lana gives her a curious look and Bex elaborates, "my dad. i never did get to meet him, ya know? he didn't even look for me when i was lost in the outback." 

lana nods in understanding, offering a comforting touch. "i never new my father either." 

"ah, i remember you telling me about that. guess thats something else we have in common, huh?" bex jokes playfully. lana smiles at her, chuckling a little at the redheads joke. 

"see? theres the smile i know and love," she gives a playful wink. bex looks at her in shock. 

"y-you love me?" she whispers. 

"you're my best friend, of course i love you," says lana. bex seems to blink back tears as she launches over, hugging lana tightly. 

"i don't think i've ever had a friend like you before" she burries her head in lana's dark hair. 

"i don't think i've had a friend like you either," replies lana holding her tighter. 

"if i wasn't straight, i'd totally be making out with you right now" mumbles bex. lana full on cackles and lets go, grinning wildly. 

"yeah, we'd probably be married" she adds. they both laugh and smile at each other, the mood much lighter. 

~~ meanwhile back at camp ~~ 

robert, emilie, and josh were all sittign on the grass, eating fruit they'd gathered for breakfast as they made casual small talk. 

"ok but consider this," says josh. "bears? sure, they're cute and all but lions? adorable. they're deadly in more than one way. they're so cute they kill" 

"and they have inch long sharp claws and powerful jaws that kill" helpfully adds emilie. josh pouts childishly and robert smirks slightly at his co-star. 

"i'll show you strong jaws," flirts ginny from her tent. josh's eyes widden like a dog and he jumps up and over to her. 

"jeez men!" scoffs emilie. she was an out and proud lesbian and she would never unsterand the way mEN were. 

"i know right!" said robjert. he was a heterosexual and loved WOMEN like enemiie. she scooted over beside him and kissed him on the forehead loveignly like a mom kissing her osn even though he was older than her. 

"be good" she said before going out into the forest and like hutning for food. 

"i'll be good like i should" he began singing (he was singing i'll be good by jaymes young). 


note: i dont feel like rereading what i've written so if things are inconsistant fuck you

jared looks over the horizon at what has become his new home. he loves his five adoptive moms emilie, ginny, jen, lana, and bex, but he misses his real mom too. the woman who raised him. dolres umbridge. 

everyone thought she was a horribel woman (and she was) but jared loves his mother more than anything. much like regina mills she was a villain but she loved her child dearly. in fact,she lvoed him more than anything. she was simply... amazing.

he shakes his head at the longing of his heart he feels and tries to think of happier things. by happier things he means gossip. he'd seen the looks the cast all gave each other, he wasn't an idiot. he knew they wanted to did the frick frack. 

he missed overwatch dearly. after nearly eight days of not playing as mccree, he was going through withdrawls. he was sweaty and wanted to die like a drug addict trying to get clean. 

he was... a video game addict. 

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