C h a p t e r E i g h t

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;of Vulnerability


Declan and I was cuddling on the couch after work when I received Jordan's call. I jumped out of my seat, avoiding Declan's curious eyes, "Who is it?"

"A friend," I replied and went into the kitchen, "Hello?"

"Help," Jordan breathed out. I went into a panic when I heard her voice. I looked outside to see Declan feeding Titan some fries. I would kick his ass but I'm focusing on Jordan right now, "Where are you? I'm coming to get you,"

Jordan gritted our an address out for me and I took my bags and keys. Declan sat up and scowled, "Where are you going?"

"A friend of mine needs help," I said smoothly, "I got to go,"

"Thea!" Declan looked pissed but I couldn't care what he thinks right now. Jordan need my help and I promised her I won't tell anyone. I quickly drove to the address. It was a small abandoned house. When I stopped my car, Jordan was nowhere to be found.

I took a slow deep breath to calm myself down. My mind couldn't freaking relax. I picked up my phone to dial Jordan. It rang for five seconds until I heard a phone ringing. She must be around. I held onto my phone and used my headlights to show me the way.

I was getting nearer. When I saw a phone sitting under the tree and someone was leaning against it. Jordan. My heart did a tumbled. I hurried to her and bend down to check on her. She is still breathing. I took her phone and switched on the torch. She stirred and that's when I saw her swollen face.

I gasped, "Jordan! What the hell?"

Jordan winced and closed her eyes, "The lights!"

I quickly shine it away from her and helped her up, "Can you walk? Let me get you to my car,"

My phone kept ringing. I helped Jordan to my car and switched on the lights. She was badly beaten up. She leaned against the seat and said, wincing when the pain hits her, "Your phone, it's hurting my head,"

I rolled my eyes and saw who was calling. I picked it up, "I'm busy here, Dec!"

"Where the hell are you?" Declan barked in the phone. I flinched and said, "I'm somewhere around! I will be home soon, don't wait up," Then I set my phone to silent mode.

I bend down to check on Jordan and asked, "Are you going to tell me what happened?"

Jordan didn't speak for a minute. Then her lips quivered and she burst out crying. I pulled her into my arms and let her cry on my shoulder, "It's okay. I'm here. It's okay."

Jordan cried for good fifteen minutes before she sniffled, "I wet your shirt,"

"That's what she said," I managed to make Jordan smile with my comment. She took a deep breath, "I was at a party. Dexter showed up, dragged me into his car and demanded me to take him back. I didn't want to. He hit me until I couldn't breathe. I jumped out of his car,"

"What?!" My eyes bulged out of my head, "Jordan!" I was going to rant about dangerous act and stuff until she cut me off.

"Listen," Jordan closed her eyes, "My survival instinct kicked in okay? I had to escape. So I jumped. I dragged myself back to the street but I was too beaten up. I had to rest. So that explained my call to you and me falling asleep,"

"It's the adrenaline," I said, "You need to go to the hospital and report to the cops,"

"No!" Jordan panicked, "Declan will be mad,"

"He's already mad at me, Jordan," I shot her a look, "I told you, if Dexter laid his hands on you again; I'm handling this using my way. I can't keep coming to get you. What if one day I won't be able to?"

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