C h a p t e r S e v e n

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;of Forgiveness


When I came home from jogging with Titan, I was surprised to find Declan still at home, doing work on his laptop. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile, "How was your run?"

"Fine," I replied. He looked irritated by my answer but still managed a hopeful smile on his face and said, "I got Maggie to cook your favorite..."

I shut the door behind me and went into shower so that I can get ready for work. It's been three weeks since we both had a decent conversation. Declan cleared the affair news and I heard from Marcus that Michael almost called the acquisition off but Declan managed to explain to Michael about it.

My routine for these three weeks was going for a jog, going to work, come home to do my papers and read my notes, watch shows on my laptop and keep myself locked in my room. Unless I need to eat, I would get out of my room to ask Maggie to cook something for me. Otherwise, I avoid Declan as much as I could.

Of course, he wasn't happy about it. He tried to talk to me and make conversation with me here and then. Either I reply with one word or I don't reply at all. It still stings, knowing he returned the kiss. I don't know why it stung but it does and I hate feeling this way.

I do miss Declan. But I needed my space and I needed to clear my mind. When I got my stuff for work, Declan walked out of the kitchen. Again, with the hopeful smile, "I thought we can play Wii after your work. I will be at home the whole day,"

"Nope," I tapped the button for the lift and wore my flats. Titan grabbed his leash for me so that I can put it on him. Declan took a deep breath, "It's been three weeks, Thea. I said I'm sorry. I don't know what I can do to make you forgive me,"

I stepped into the lift with Titan and flipped him the bird, "Forget it," Then the lift closed right in his face. The picture of him and Avia lip-locking still burns me. I took a deep breath, looking down at Titan who stared at me with a smile. Titan always managed to make my day better with his goofy smile, "You are one hell of a happy dog, aren't you?"


Every Friday night of June, the bookstore will open a night book club where readers sit together and share their favorite books, their favorite quotes and just basically sit together and chill. Keira walked in with Orion, smiling from ear to ear, "How's the club going?"

"Good," I smiled at the crowds that are forming. We had a make-shift stage by the window so that people can share their opinions and views. I could say this club generates quite a lot of profits too.

"Let's get to work then," Keira grabbed the tray from the table and headed into the crowd. Keira and Orion would always come and help out with the crowd. They will walk around to top up drinks and make sure guests are comfortable.

Orion leaned against the counter, producing a letter from the back of his jeans, "It was outside of your mailbox,"

"Thank you," I opened it and read the content in it. I suppressed a sigh, put the letter away. The publishing company decided to stop working with me because of the loans I've been stalling. This problem can wait.

Orion was looking at me, "What's wrong?"

Orion was the only one who can read me like an open book. I shook my head, "Doesn't matter. How's the club doing?"

He shrugged, "Fine. If people stop trying to buy us out,"

"What do you mean? Someone is buying the club house?" I looked at Orion. He gave me a sad smile, "They are not getting the club house no matter what," He took my hand and squeezed it, "Don't worry, I won't let you lose your job,"

I broke into a smile. This was a joke between Orion and I. He always said that to make me feel better. "You better keep your words,"

Orion's green eyes crinkled under the lights. Keira was sitting by a corner, making friends with a girl. Our first speaker was going to talk about a quote. Violet cleared her throat and read the quote from the paper, "Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgment and decision.

by Erich Fromm, The Art of Lovin. Thank you,"

We clapped for the girl and Orion said, "Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. It's not just a ring and a piece of paper,"

"It's my decision, it's my judgment, it's my own promise," I looked right into Orion's eyes, "One day you will understand,"

"One day," Orion looked away and we turned to see who walked into the store. Declan shook off his wet hair which I assumed was from the rain. He studied the club and his eyes darkened when he saw Orion and I standing too close for comfort.

Orion chuckled, "The husband came to seek forgiveness?"

Titan came to greet Declan. Declan reached into his pocket and threw Titan's favorite treat. That didn't come unnoticed from our eyes. I heard Orion snorted and looked back to the stage.

I walked towards Declan and asked, "What are you doing here?"

His smile widened, "I miss your voice,"

I rolled my eyes, couldn't help but to feel butterflies in my stomach. "You want any drink?"

"Yeah," Declan was listening to the speaker on the stage, "So this is what a book club looks like,"

"Why are you here?" I asked again, passing him a drink. He sipped on it and raised his eyebrows, "I came to support my wife's book club,"

"You don't have to do all these things," I said, turning back to the stage. Declan looked at the side of my face and I saw him shook his head, "I can't take the silence in the house anymore. I'd do anything to make you forgive me. I swear it means nothing," He was cut off by applause. He continued once it dies down.

Keira asked, "Next speaker? Anyone?"

Nobody raised their hand. So when Declan raised his hand, I was shocked. "What are you doing? Don't spoil this,"

"It's time for you to trust me for once. I don't always ruin things," He kissed my forehead and went up to the stage. He chuckled nervously, "Seriously, I never prepare anything. But here's a quote my dad once loved and was etched at the back of my mind,"

He cleared his throat and started, "It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together... and I knew it. - Tom Hanks, Sleepless In Seattle. I believe, those tiny little things are things that are supposed to build a stronger bond. This is for my wife, Thea Eaton,"

Keira looked at me with her hands on her heart. Orion looked at me without revealing anything; he gave me a tight smile, petted Titan's head and left the store. People were cheering for Declan who walked towards me, "Am I forgiven?"

I sighed, finally giving in to the guy in front of me. He pulled me into his arms; put his chin on the top of my head, "I'm sorry,"

"Just don't let me read the tabloids again," I said. Declan stiffened, "I won't be appearing there anymore. Trust me,"

That was all it took to bring me back into his arms.

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