"I don't know why you like living here, it's way too crowded." I shrugged, it's always been a rather comforting place to me. It made me feel less alone. It gave me that sense of home that I didn't feel at my old pack. It was nice living here.

"Any suggestions of where you want to eat?"

I'm not a picky eater, so I'll pretty much eat anything. I was in the mood for pancakes though, but pretty much everywhere we go has pancakes.

"Nope. I'm fine with anything."

He nodded, his eyes never leaving the road. The rest of the car ride was silent. The radio was on, but turned down to barely a hum. We pulled into a parking lot of a rather small restaurant. There was a neon sign that read, "Anne's". I didn't even know that this was here. I never really go this way. We stepped out of the car, towards the restaurant. Isaac held open the door for me, I thanked him, and continued on in.

The inside of the restaurant smelt amazing, making my stomach growl. The restaurant's design was simple, yet cozy. It was rather adorable, and I began to wonder why this place wasn't more crowded. A nice older woman greeted me, and asked if a booth was okay. I nodded, and followed her to a booth in the right side of the restaurant. After sitting down, she handed us the menu.

"What can I get you to drink for today?"


Isaac and I both said at the same time. We both made eye contact, and I quickly broke it. The woman smiled and wrote it down.

"I'll be right back with those in a few minutes."

After she left, I began to read through the menu. Each item sounded good, but the pancake meal sounded the best. The menu felt smooth under my finger tips, I ran my fingers over it repeatedly. It's amazing how man has created such amazing things. There's so much that seems impossible that we do everyday.

I looked up, and saw Isaac staring at me. His expression was blank, but there was a weird glint in his eye. I raised a eye brow, my insecurity rising the longer he stared.

Luckily, the kind woman returned. She gave us our coffees and took our order. When she walked away, I grabbed my mug and grabbed a package of sugar and a cup of creamer. I stirred them into my coffee, the brown color slowly getting lighter. I pressed the cup to my lips and took a long sip. The warmth crawling down my throat when I swallowed. Isaac sat quietly, just watching me.

"What?" I was getting slightly annoyed.

"You're beautiful."

I disagreed with that statement. I looked down, and shook my head. I was not beautiful. I had brown wavy hair, that was getting way too long. My eyes were green, but they were dark, so they always seemed dull. I was pale. I was considered 'thick', my hips were huge. I had curves but all in the wrong places.

"I just don't think I am. I'm not skinny, I'm not pretty, I'm pale, and the list could practically go on for-"

I heard a growl from across the table, and I looked at him. He held his cup tightly and his eyes were fixated on me.

"Don't talk badly about yourself like that. You're beautiful, and anyone who ever tells you otherwise is a god damn liar."

I looked away from his stare. He was blind if he thought I was pretty. I've been told I'm ugly my whole life. My own father told me so.

The same woman returned with the food, and I began to chow down. I wasn't the type of girl to be shy when eating in front of others. If I did that at my old pack, I wouldn't have eaten much at all. I was crammed in a tiny room with lots of other pack slaves.

We finished rather quickly, and soon left the restaurant. It was silent the rest of the time we were eating, but the car ride was not.

"I want you to come back with me. My pack needs their Luna."

I felt my stomach turn when he said that. I was nowhere fit to be a Luna. I've been running away from my werewolf side of me for so long, I can't just change. Everything is happening all too soon.

"No. I need to stay here." My voice was shaky. I tried to swallow it all down, hoping that it would calm me down. Isaac turned to me, his eyes were dark and mysterious, and it hid an emotion I didn't recognize. "Why? There's nothing here for you."

He was partially right, I mean, by the looks of it, I was just a young girl who is living in New York in a tiny apartment with no family anywhere. The closest thing I have to family is Olivia. But there's one thing that he doesn't understand. For the my own safety, I have to stay here.

"You wouldn't understand. It's just best this way. I'm sorry..." I swallowed hard, debating if I should say this next line, but I blurted it out anyway. "This needs to end now."

He urgently turned into the closest parking lot he could, and stopped the car. He stared at me, I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my skull. He'd been doing that a lot today.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" His voice was laced with anger and pain.

I avoided eye contact with him. I knew this was hurting him, but this is for the best. Its either he hurts a little now, or a lot later. I'm not gonna reject him. I couldn't handle that. I would never be able to hurt him like that. I just needed him to understand that he has to stay away from me.

"I need you to understand that you can't have a good future with me. I know this is gonna be hard, but I'm in danger if I go back with you. I can't have you in danger too. I'll put your whole pack in danger. Here, I'm safe. No one can get to me when I'm here." It hurt me to say that, but I knew it was true. I was being selfish if I went back with him.

"I can protect you. I will protect you. Nothing will ever harm you."

I shook my head. "You don't know that-''

He growled loudly. "What are you running from? What is so bad that you had to become something you're not and refuse your natural instincts?"

I gulped, and held back the tears that were forming.

"My father."
Authors Note
I didn't realize how many reads I got on this until a couple days ago. I'm surprised! I started writing this last month, and it already had more reads then some of my other books that have been up for over a year.

Should I have a nickname for you guys?

I'm just excited. Lmao. But, thank you all so much for the support, it means a lot. I'm sorry I haven't wrote in a while. I've had a bit of writers block. But I'm gonna try to update once a week for you all.

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