Chapter 14

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England PoV:

The gunshot rings through my flat.
I put down the gun as my head begins to spin. It takes me a few minutes to get back on my feet.

This is what it has come to. Shooting blanks at my own skull. Too tired to keep living. An outcast all look down on. Respect a thing of the past.

Still too afraid to die.

I wish we still fought wars. At least I'd have an honourable way to move on. But I have to live.

On that note, I think I may get a chance after all. Today start the deliberations of the rearrangement of the territorial borders of the British Isles.
Allistair finally seems to have seen through my facade. He knows I'm weak. He knows I'm alone. And... He has you.

Your damned alliance with him...


The meeting goes about as well as expected. I still can't stand up to him. No matter how much I try, how high I reach... The sight of his glowering eyes and blazing red hair puts me on edge... a grim reminder of my earliest days, at his mercy, under his command... All old scars seem to start hurting at once.

I catch your eye on the other side of the table as America keeps rambling on with his mouth full. You're sitting in between Scotland and Germany, your best allies.
My brother takes a puff of his cigarette and says whispers something to you. You let out a small giggle.
I force myself to turn away and try to focus on what America is saying.

"So, England, What do you think??" he asks excitedly, like a child waiting to be praised.

"I don't understand why an issue that can be solved within the British Isles is being brought up in the World Council."

"Because an idiot like you should not be given control over shit!" Scotland yells from his corner.

"And who should? A drunk, smoking bastard like you?"

"You're forgetting who you're talking to you little pip-squeak."

"We are doing this here because Scotland has proposed to go to war, and he has European and American allies. We are here to prevent any more wars." Germany interrupts before I get a chance to reply. That slick bastard!

"Don't you get it, Germany? He doesn't want to do this here because he knows he only has a chance to win if it's on his home ground." You chime in with your obnoxious laugh.

"You shut up frog! That's his home ground too."

"Yea. It is. And I'm asking you to hand it back." Scotland gets up from his chair and walks over to stand directly in front of me.

"I think we should end this session for now and reconvene tomorrow" Interrupts Germany.
"Agreed. Session dismissed" America adds hastily.

But I don't plan to give up that quick.

"Don't foolishly challenge the British Empire. You're thinking too highly of yourself."

"Ha! You still have the audacity to call yourself that? Do you really think I'll be scared of you and your empty pistol, you piece of crap?!"

A few of the smaller and uninvolved nations quickly exit the room before it gets too ugly.

Germany and America have both stepped forward, ready to intervene.

I watch you slowly get up and stand behind my brother.

"Is that so now? Well you can come and beg for your land back when you're done smoking your cigarette and fucking your sheep!"

I know what's about to come. I know I've gone too far, pushed a forbidden button. But I don't regret it.
I feel the blunt hit on my face as I stagger and fall back. It's too quick to process as I feel hit after hit threatening to break my neck or rib cage.

I refuse to let him get the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

"Scotland stop!" I hear a voice in the distance. Is it you? ...

No... just Germany.

A shame.

The hits stop. I can feel the stinging pain slowly spread. His hand grabs at my belt and snatch away my pistol.
I watch with half closed eyes as he loads it with bullets from his own gun and places it back in its holster.

"You saw that, England? Saw that baby boy? No one tried to save you. No one cares about you here. They all will be more than happy to see you dead. They're on my side. Do us a favour now, will you, baby brother? Use the loaded gun next time and rid us of your filthy self. Coward!"

No one else hears anything but the last word.

He gets off of me and walks out without turning. I see you quickly follow him. Is that a smile I see on your face?

I hope not...

"Engla-" Germany tries to approach me.

"...Leave me alone." I growl at him.

He quietly obliges. I sit where where he left me as I hear the quick footsteps shuffle out. All remaining in the room leave.

"England, you okay dude?" America's voice calls out from the door.

"Leave" I repeat, trying to keep my voice from cracking. He does.

I quickly get on my feet and rush to the door.
A sudden coughing fit forces me to stop midway till I regain my breath. I see the blood on my hands as I remove them from my mouth.

Must be an injured lung...

A sealed bottle of water is placed in my open hands and I look up to see Russia walk out. He doesn't wait, or turn, or bother me with any questions.

I was hoping it was probably you who had returned. How foolish of me.

We're enemies.

We're EnemiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora