Chapter 10

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England PoV:

This is never over. I had told you before. Messing with the pride of the British Empire will not end well.

Here you are again. You thought acting supporter to a revolting colony that won made you some great hero?

"Where is your America now, huh? Were you abandoned? Poor you. You gave so much to help him, no? So why didn't he come now? I hope you are still that fucking smug about your decisions."I spit at your face.

You grit your teeth as my spit lands on your cheek. I run my eyes over you.

You look pathetic. Your own country just had a total revolution, and you thought you could come knocking for a challenge? Have you lost your senses, Frog?

You look up and stare into my eyes. Your dark blue gaze still sends a shiver down my spine.

"Arthur?" you mutter my name questioningly...

...And I immediately feel myself soften. I beckon you forward with my hand and you hastily obey and settle yourself on my lap, your knees on either side of my legs, and the tears finally escape your eyes.

I use the sleeve of my shirt to wipe off your tears and my spit from your face. 
I try to form a kind smile. You simply stare at me for a few seconds, fresh tears falling from your eyes.

You finally rest your forehead on my shoulder, and continue with your snivelling, as I gently play with your sunny locks and stroke your back.

I hear you mutter something, and look down to find you asleep on my chest, face oddly at ease. I can't help but smile.

I awkwardly pick you up, trying not to wake you, and carry you to my bed. I feel so awful about this. You're almost as light as a child.

I lay you down on my bed. I want to climb in and curl up next to you, but I know you would never allow that. I can't hold myself back ... I leave the tent, and decide to return once you've rested and left.

Why the hell am I thinking of such things? It's been so long that we've been holding each other after getting hurt(most of the time from each other), but that doesn't really mean anything, does it?

We're enemies.

We're EnemiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ