Chapter 11

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England PoV:

This is stranger than war. After hundreds of years of being at each others' throats, this treaty seems so bizarre.

The bottle of red wine that you brought sits half empty on the small round table between us. Your gaze stays fixed on the window, staring into the garden with a small smile playing across your lips...

...Lips reddened by drink you're slowly sipping from the glass in your hand. Lips that I'm trying to keep my eyes off at all costs. Lips that I can't suppress my desire to kiss...

"The roses are beautiful this year, England."
Your voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Are you here to admire the roses France?" I shoot back quickly.

"Well, the Treaty has been signed. I do not think there is much else to discuss now, is there?"

There is so much ...

"France. Why are we suddenly doing this? What does this make us now?"

You put your glass down and turn to face me.

"Both of us are well aware of our own strength and the new rising powers of Prussia and Austria-Hungary ... If we truly wish to hold ourselves in the high regards we do now, and not fall to a humiliating loss, it is essential for us to form Alliances as well. This is mere political strategy. Nothing more. A signed piece of paper cannot undo hundreds of years of history."

You're right... It's just strategy. Just a precaution. Only a signed piece of paper...

"I'll take my leave now, England. I have to make sure we have Russia on our side as well. See you."

"Ah, yes. See you."

You look at me with slight amusement on your face. Almost as if waiting for something...

...But there is no need. We aren't fighting. This is a celebration.

"What are you looking at? Bugger off!"

"Haha! ... Now, that is the England I know. Good bye!"

You leave without even turning back once.

Why... why could you not kiss me now?

Why could you not hold me now?

Why can't you at least pretend to be happy about this 'peace'?

... Right, you already told me. A paper changes nothing.


We're enemies.

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