.+*Chapter 11*+.

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Nancy's p.o.v

"L-lance I-" I tried to speak but my brain wasn't functioning correctly. He was too close to the point when I couldn't think straight. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. He came closer and closer. I couldn't look at him anymore due to the moment.

'I can't believe my first kiss is going to be with a fictional character >\\\\<'

I squeezed my eyes closed, waiting for his lips on mine.

Lance's p.o.v
I leaned closer to Nancy as she was beet red, so cute. I leaned in so that my lips were almost touching hers but then I stopped.

'I can't do this. Especially not to her. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if she already has a crush on someone. I can't be that selfish'

I pulled away from her lips and placed a long soft kiss on her forehead. She looked up at me with her eyes wide and a bright red blush dusted on her cheeks. "I'm sorry about what I said back there" I apologize in a soft tone, rubbing my thumbs gentily on her cheeks.

She looked up with her beautiful brown eyes and said that it was ok. I smiled at her.

Nancy's p.o.v

'Phew! Good thing that it's over. Honistly I think I would die of the tension and it Would've been my 1st kiss'

"What... The fuck was that?" Me and Lance turned around and saw Keith standing in the doorway with a disgusted expression. "K-keith h-how long have you been standing-" "long enough" Keith grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room.

Me and Keith went around the corner and pushed me against the wall, I yelped. "Keith what the-!" "What was that!?" Keith asked raising his voice, making me flinch.

"H-he just wanted to apologize from earlier"

"Lies, didn't you see the way he looked at you!?"

"Why would you care, are you jealous or something!?"

"I'm not. I'm just making sure he is keeping his hands away from girls. We don't want him being distracted from our mission."

"Is that how you see me? As a distraction?"

"As a matter of fact, yes you are! You didn't even do something productive since you and your friends got here! You guys have been slowing us down from our mission! Heck you can't even fight!"

I looked at him with wide eyes and took a step back. "YOU KNOW WHAT!? FINE! I'LL STAND OUT OF YOUR WAY!" I said and started running down the hallway, trying to hold back my tears.

'I can prove them that I'm strong enough to defeat robots'

I ran to the training deck and grabbed a weapon that looked like a little pistol. "Begin training Sequeal, level 1!" I cried out and saw one robot dropping from the roof.

Time skip~

I don't know how long I've been trying to beat level 1 but believe me I feel like half a varga passed and was almost done defeating it. I felt like I could pass out any minute but I had to stay focus.

ଘ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍 ; voltron oc insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن