Ch.3 The Good Boy Is Really Bad

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Peter woke before his alarm could ring. He stretched and rolled out of bed. His phone flashed; 4:30a.m. He rubbed his face, sleep was not an option and it is still early for a shower. He didn't want to wake his uncle up just yet. Still in his basketball shorts he pulled on his shoes and grabbed a white T-shirt from his drawer.  It was still dark outside and a cool breeze drifted through the trees.

Peter pulled on his shirt and grabbed his phone, the earbuds still attached, as he left his room. He quietly made his way to the front door working the tangled earned cord free. A good morning run with music seemed like the perfect idea. He hit play on his play list and dropped his phone in his pocket, the earbuds immediately blasted rock music into his ears. He smiled and left the porch at a run. He let the rhythm pick his pace and let his feet guide him. At first he ran down the drive, turning right on the dirt road. His mind traveled over everything that happened the night before. One thing that kept nagging him at the back of mind;

If my parents were wolves, why did they die so easily?

He turned on a deer trail, climbing a steep bank to his right. He followed his instincts and slowed to a walk. The sun started to rise turning everything gloomy around him. His eyes narrowed and he took his ear buds out, watching the trail around him. He could feel that he wasn’t alone, but he didn’t feel threatened. A twig snapped not far a head and he paused to look closer. Nothing moved or made a sound, so he resumed his walk. If he turned back now he could be in the shower before his uncle knew anything. He pushed on through the woods going deeper in. Pink streaks now lined the sky and he wondered once more about the whole wolf thing.

Small tingles on the back of his neck raised goosebumps on his skin. He stopped beside a fallen log, rubbing his neck to erase the feeling. He sat down and felt his shirt stick to his chest. It felt tight on him and he quickly pulled it off tucking it in to the waistband of his shorts. The cool air hit him and he decided to head back.

Dixie watched from her hiding place not far away. She felt a strong pull to this boy? She could feel her senses sharpen and her blood heated in a delicious way. She held back waiting for him to shift. Her wolf form trembled with the need to run to him. She couldn’t shift back to human just yet. She was a new wolf , but she was raised by wolves who didn’t hide the truth.

Could this boy even shift? She could feel his wolf, but his smell is off. Her eyes narrowed, he hasn’t shifted yet. Her tongue snapped out to lick her jaws. Her fur started rising out of pure instinct. Her father was close by. His mind found hers and she tensed dropping her head with a soft growl. Her black fur shined making her look almost blue in the morning light. Her ears twisted back and forth as the boy suddenly stood up. His silver eyes probed her hiding spot. She almost walked out drooling at his bare muscled chest. He was gorgeous and every bit a leader, his Alpha blood is what caught her to begin with. Finding out he was her mate was just a bonus she loved and feared. The boy left at a walk back the way he came, stepping lightly as he went. She watched his back and felt her heart race. The tattoo was a shock, a large tribal design with the words; Family, Honesty, and Loyalty, written inside gave him a bad boy vibe. She loved it, she sat and waited a few more minutes after he was out of sight before shifting to her human form and linking her father.

“I’m fine just wanted to run.” Dixie said to him.

“Get back here, something is wrong. Wolves are restless and I don’t want you running alone until I find out why.” Her father said.

“Okay. I’m on my way.” Dixie smiled to herself. She already knew the reason.

Peter stopped at the road, the growl still fresh in his mind. Was that a wolf, or some animal? It didn’t frighten him or worry him at all, if anything it made him curious. He put his ear buds in and starting running back to the house. When he turned Up the drive he slowed to a walk, I’m a wolf. He smirked to himself, realizing for the first time he really believed what he was told. The acceptance of it all felt like a wave of relief. Questions still circled in his head, but he was sure if he waited the answers would come. Time could only hide secrets for so long. Dead or alive a persons secrets always came to light at some point. That was a lesson learned the hard way back in the city. Being part Italian had its perks with some powerful people. A few text messages and he could have anything he wanted. He shook his head, nothing good came from gaining by hurting other people. That life is gone now and he hoped it never came back.

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