‘So… umm, what do I need to do now?’ I asked shyly.

‘Oh of course, I’ll get a contract drafted as soon as we’ve agreed a wage for you. Laura’s wage was roughly £525,000, but to accommodate inflation, how about £565,000 per annum not including bonuses, plus all expenses paid.’

I decided to look like that casual fish I always seem to mimic so gracefully in Miss Turner’s presence, you know the one where I have my mouth hung open in shock- yeah that one.

 ‘Honey, don’t look so shocked, this is the o2 we are talking about, the job comes with huge responsibility and it’s not exactly easy either- oh and I forgot about your start up bonus, which will be 300 grand if that’s alright.’ Okay, so maybe it’s time to at least try and look professional, after all- this is really happening, I nodded in reply. ‘How about you go and settle into your office? It’s on the second floor, first door on the right- it’ll have your name on it soon.’

‘Okay, thanks Miss Turner.’ I started to walk out of the door, but then I remembered something. ‘Oh, Miss Turner…’

‘Yes Char.’

‘Who were those certain people who were, how did you say ‘saying good things about her and her ability’?’ I asked,

‘What were their names, one something or other?’ My breath caught in my throat, they had done this for me? I hardly knew them, scrap that I was more or less an employee of theirs and they had fulfilled my dreams, less than 24 hours I have known them.

‘Okay, thanks Miss Turner.’

‘Call me Millie.’ She called after me.


When I got back to the flat that night, I found Ciara had made Spaghetti Carbonara (my favourite). My text ahead (which went something along the lines of: ‘ASDFGHJKL GOT SOME AMAZING NEWS CICI!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET READY TO CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxx’) might have pre-empted this.

‘Ciara!!!!’ I screamed,

‘Char!!!!’ She screamed back, before tackling me into a hug. ‘Tell me, tell me, tell me- now!’

‘Okay, Okay , Okay. Let me get in the door first.’ I gestured to the fact that we were still stood in the hallway. ‘First things first.’ I said as I looked around our familiar but tiny flat, with its 2 feet between the door and the dining table and the further 3 feet into the kitchen, which couldn’t even fit 2 people in comfortably. The living room was a bit more spacious, but still only had room for 2 sofa’s and a coffee table- the telly had to be mounted on the wall due to lack of space. Three doors led from the kitchen/living room, one was to my room, one to Ciara’s and one to the bathroom. No bath, no shelves, no desks and no wardrobes (only drawers). To say this flat is depressingly dull and small is putting it nicely.

‘Go on…’ She prompted,

‘We’re getting a new flat!!!!!!!!! And it’s going to be all ours!!!!!!!!!’ Ciara’s mouth fell open.

‘It’s not nice to lie Char.’

‘I’m not lying, let’s sit down and I’ll tell you the whole story.’

An hour and a half later, I was laid on my bed with Ciara on her laptop- looking up luxury flats near-by. It took some persuading to get Ciara to let me pay for the whole thing but in the end I succeeded. Suddenly my phone started ringing:

‘So put your arms around me baby, we’re tearing up the town 'cause that’s just how we do.’ : The personalised ring-tone for Perrie (I could hardly have her own song as my ringtone for her could I… that would just be weird).

-‘Hello?’ I answered.

-‘Hey Char, it’s Perrie.’

-‘Ummm, I know you idiot, caller ID?’

-‘Oh yeah, I forgot.’ (She giggled) ‘I was ringing about that shopping date you promised’

-‘Of course, When? Where?’

-‘Tomorrow, 11.30, and Dani and I will pick you up from your flat?’

-‘Sounds good.’ Ciara shot me a questioning look, ‘oh, can my friend Ciara come along too?’

-‘Of course, so we’ll see you then?’

-‘Yeah, Okay Bye Babes.’

-‘Oh wait, I almost forgot: Harry and Louis have invited us all back to their flat for dinner tomorrow night.’

-‘Right, okay then.’

-‘Bye hun.’ And with that she was gone.

‘Who was that?’ Ciara questioned.

‘Ummm, would you believe me if I told you we were going shopping tomorrow with Perrie Edwards and Danielle Peazar and then back to Harry Styles’ and Louis Tomlinson’s flat with them and the rest of One direction?’

‘What?’ Ciara said in disbelief,

‘Please don’t make me say that all again’ I moaned,

Then came the scream…

Chasing Char<3 (One Direction/Louis Tomlinson Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now