VI. A Work in Progress

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The next day at school, we were all antsy to get to chorus class. We were all curious as to how we were going to begin this process. When we got to class, it was more than anybody had expected. By the time the chorus class got into the classroom, the school band was already set up with microphones, music stands, and everything to record our song. When we were over the awe of the technology and gear that Mr. Wallace had brought, he said to us, "Alright everybody, let's get started." We couldn't wait to see what he had in store. We knew he had musical talents, but we hadn't been able to see his full potential during class.

"Like anything in life, we must first establish a firm base."

"What do you mean by base?" Roy asked.

"A powerful instrumental of course!" Mr. Wallace responded cheerfully.

We were all glad to see Roy, although he had been late. Roy was our ace in the hole with this project. "As you can see around the room, the band has given us their liberty to record and compose an instrumental of emotion and power!" Mr. Wallace explained. With all of this in check, we could get this done in a matter of days.

It took the rest of the week to create and record the instrumental, but when we were done, we began to set people aside for specific roles they would play in the song. We had our baritones, altos, sopranos, and tenors. With all of this in place, we asked Mr. Wallace before class on Friday to give Roy the single part. Clement and I were sure that he would do his best with an opportunity like that. Roy got his solo part and we each begun practicing our parts in and outside of class.

Over the next few months, which was longer than anyone was anticipating, we were informed by Mr. Wallace that the teachers would be doing their last strike after school on that upcoming Friday. With this new information, we all prepared. 

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