III. The Cafe Meet

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After school, our whole class met up at the local cafe to plan how we were to get under our teachers skin. We could not stand the fact that the teachers could be so focused on the money, that our education was being effected.

"I hope Roy shows up.." Isabella said.

"I will admit, I would love to see what he has to bring to the table, his mother being a teacher and all." Clement admitted.

Clement never liked Roy very much. It was probably because of his past that full clicked well with him.

"I guess we'll have to start without him. It can't be helped, after all." Bobby concluded.

Bobby was the class leader. He naturally took control of the situation, even during school projects where he would do the same.

"Alright now, do we have any new suggestions that could really get to the teachers? Something out of the ordinary to catch them by surprise."

"Maybe we could start teaching the class before they got there." One classmate replied.

"Hmmm, I feel like that would quickly be shut down and the class would resume seemingly unaffected." Bobby proved.

"Anything else?"

"We could put graffiti on the outside of the school. Haha" Joey said jokingly.

"No one would care about that, and you would end up expelled because everyone would rat you out. Who invited you anyway?" Bobby responded.

"Shut it freak," Joey responded. "We'll see how things go on the basketball court this year. Hope you don't break anything, guard rail."

Joey was the class jock. He unfortunately played all of the sports and ruined every one of them. He often picked on Bobby for being excessively tall and skinny, but Bobby didn't let it get to him.

"Sigh.. Anything else from the others?"

After no answer, a random man answered the question.

"I think we should make a song. Over the years, music has been proven to affect multiple lives and influence people the most." the man proposed.

"Sounds like something Mr. Wallace would say," one of the classmates pointed out.

"Because it is!" Mr. Wallace peeked around the corner, astonished to see his students.

After everyone was settled from their moment of shock, Mr. Wallace inquired about their conversation.

"What are you guys doing, worrying about your teachers?" Mr. Wallace asked.

"Our education is being limited because of this stupid strike." Clement responded.

"Well, what I can say is that these teachers resemble a bunch of lost sheep. All they need to do is find their shepherd, and things will return to normal." Mr. Wallace explained. "In fact, this strike has only gone to show people that our teachers do not care about our education, but about the paycheck they get for giving it."

The class went silent, after Mr. Wallace's significant point.

"I tell you what, meet me here tomorrow at 1600, and bring a pencil and paper. I have a surprise for you all." Mr. Wallace concluded. "I have to be on my way now! Good luck to you guys, and don't forget to do your homework!"

"Bye Mr. Wallace! See you tomorrow!" The class yelled back.

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