Sirius x OC

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OC Faceclaim
Madelaine Petsch as Annie Potter

OC FaceclaimMadelaine Petsch as Annie Potter

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(Golden Trio Era, minor abuse)

It was half past midnight when the witch and wizard arrived back at headquarters. They enter the kitchen as quietly as possible, assuming most of the house is likely asleep by now.

"Where have you been?!" Molly Weasley hisses, more so to the girl standing beside the tall dark haired young man.

Annie furrows her brows, wondering what has gotten the lioness of a woman so uptight. The young witches gaze scans across the room, seeing Remus Lupin and Arthur Weasley still awake, and of course, Sirius Black. The dark haired head of the house sits in his usual spot at the table, scowling at her and the younger male.

"We we're collecting tabs," Annie crosses her arms over her chest, "as Dumbledore had asked us." She emphasizes that last part with ice in her voice.

"Well why didn't anyone tell me?" Molly huffs, placing her hands on her hips. "You two could have been hurt! Or worse!"

"Well we weren't." Annie walks to the table, grabbing the bottle of fire whiskey and pouring a glass. "We were at a bar full of people, not like that's stopped them before, but we got plenty of information on Mulciber and Avery to share for tomorrow's meeting. Zero casualties."

Remus and Arthur look at each other with an approving look as thy both settle back in their chairs with a section of the daily prophet. Sirius just eyes the girl with his stone grey eyes, frowning at the scantily way she is dressed. She wears a black leather skirt, practically not wearing a shirt, more like a red bra that is tightly pushing up her bust and a red leather jacket.

"Drink, Luka?" Annie turns around, ignoring Sirius at all costs as she sassily whips her long red hair over her shoulder and walks toward the other man.

"Ah, no thanks, I should be heading back," the young man smiles.

Annie shrugs with a smile, "Suit yourself darling, I'll see ya later." She does her best at a flirty tone, remembering how Lukas presence always seems to bother Sirius.

"Of course." He smiles back, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek.

Sirius cocks his head with the same scowl as he watches the young man place a hand on the girls small waist as he kisses her.

With a pop, Luka is gone as Annie turns back to the table to, throwing back her drink and placing the glass on the surface. Sirius clenches his jaw and looks back to the paper in his hands with mock disinterest.

"If you ask me, I think you two are much too young to be doing those things, your still only children.." Molly huffs as she buzzes around the kitchen cleaning.

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