Chapter three Shopping

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he has now had the children for three days, Liam knows that his foster children need clothes and necessities, so he decided he'll take all seven of the kids to the store, plus his sons could use some jeans and socks, their jeans don't last because they are wild.

" alright, everyone ready to go?" Liam Questions to his broad of seven

" liumm I is ready" Noelle says cutely bouncing Down the stairs, Liam chuckles at her, she came down with shoes untied, purple pants and a yellow top, not matching, much Liam doesn't mind and he knows they don't have a lot clothes.

" you look cute" Liam says

" tfhank you" Noelle says

" I'm ready daddy!" Louis says with a smile " can I get a candy when there?" He asked

" of course you can, as long as you behave" Liam says

" I always behave daddy" Louis said and giggles.

" sometimes" Liam says and ruffs his son hair.

" dad, can we get some new soccer shorts? Remember my last one ripped last game and I have a game in two days" Harry said coming in from the kitchen.

" yes of course Harry, I was planning to anyways" Liam said

Zayn, Noah, Nadine, and Niall come downstairs. They all head to the car, and get in.
Liam has Noelle in Louis old booster seat, but he's going to get her a car seat.

" everyone buckled up?" Liam Questions

" yes" some of them said and others nod.

They head off to the store. Liam is taking them to Walmart, to get some clothes and shoes, and also some groceries would be good too.

It's about a fifteen minute drive, once there, Liam parks the car, and has everyone get out. Liam picks up Noelle, which Noah protest about, but Liam ignores him. Noah grabs Nadine and Niall hands, and Liam grabs Louis hand, and they walk inside the store.

" alright, Zayn, Noah why don't you boys go off and look at some clothes and such things, I know you need some clothes Noah. And Zayn you probably need some pants, I don't like all those rips some of your jeans have" Liam says

" you know I don't need your charity right? I know you aren't keeping me and my siblings, so don't try to play the I care about you card. If you don't want to spend money on us, then don't" Noah said quiet rudely " and I'll take my siblings with me"

" dad, you know ripped jeans are like the style right?" Zayn Questions

" Noah I need you to stop speaking to me like that, do you understand me? You are disrespectful, and this attitude needs to stop got it? If this doesn't stop, I'll whoop your bottom when we get home." Liam said stern, very stern. " you are not a charity case, and will not be a charity case. I am not doing this for money, and I want to give you all what you need and want. I care about you and your siblings and I want what's best for you." He adds " I'll keep Niall, Nadine, and Noelle and I'll help them pick out some clothes, I promise I won't hurt them" Liam says softly
" Zayn, please get an least a pair of new not so ripped jeans alright?" Liam says as he doesn't like the pants that are ripped way too much.

" I really don't like you Liam!" Noah said very loudly, annoyed and mad at Liam, and walks away.
Zayn gives his father a smile and then walks away.

Liam grabs a cart, and puts Noelle in the cart.

" alright, Niall, Nadine, Harry, and Louis stay close do you understand?" Liam says as he starts pushing the cart.

The four of them nod.

" verbal answer please?" Liam says

" yes sir" the four say

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