Chapter Two He does Care?

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I decide to go and talk to Zayn first, see what happened and then I'll talk to Noah.
I walk into Zayn room, and he is just sitting on his bed, and it looks like he might have cried some, and he looks upset.

" dad I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make Noelle cry, I just I lost my temper and overreacted, I acted as if Louis or Harry came into my room without asking, when I shouldn't have because Noelle didn't know and she is only five. I'm sorry I scared her" Zayn said softly, upset you can tell he was upset.

" look Zayn, I understand you didn't mean to do what you did, but you have to be careful okay bud? Noelle isn't your brothers and she gets scared easy, she didn't mean to come into your room, she needed the bathroom. We need to work on that okay? Because the way you acted scared her badly, and I'm sure it would have scared Niall and Nadine too, they came from a home they weren't Safe in and were scared, we need to be careful. I want you to treat them nicely, especially Noelle, she's little." Liam explains as he sits on Zayn bed.

" I know dad, and I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean it or mean to do it. I will be nice to them, I promise dad, I'm working on it. I'll work on that. Am I still in trouble?" Asked Zayn softly

" I'm going to spank you with my hand, because I already gave you two warnings today, understand? , but don't let it happen again okay? Or I'll use the spoon" Liam said and hugs his oldest son.

" yes sir, I won't" Zayn said

" good" Liam says " can you check on dinner for me after?" He asked

" yes sir" Zayn says

Liam takes Zayn over his lap, and starts spanking his eldest son with his hand.

Spank spank spank spank spank
Spank spank spank spank spank
Spank spank spank spank spank
Spank spank spank spank spank
Zayn is crying some, not too hard, but crying enough, Liam takes his son into his arms and cuddles him.

" I'm sorry dad, I'll be nicer" Zayn said as he wipes his tears and hugs his dad.

" it's okay son, all is forgiven" Liam says and keeps comforting Zayn.

He comforts Zayn a few minutes, and then Zayn leaves the room to check on dinner , and then Liam leaves to the guest room, now Noah and Niall room.

He walks in, and in the room, is Niall, Noah, and Nadine.

" where the hell is my little sister? You prick!" Noah yells

" don't curse in my house young man! And she got a bath, and now she is playing with Louis and Harry. We need to have a talk Noah" Liam says sternly

" i swear if you hurt her, I'll hurt you! Why the hell would I want to have a talk with you? What are you gonna do grounded me? Get a life asshole" Noah said

" don't be mean to my brother! You're an asshole!" Yells Nadine, the first thing she has actually said to Liam.

" Nadine you are far to little to be cursing and you shouldn't be cursing. I do not tolerate cursing in my house and I do not tolerate disrespect. So you can either change your attitudes, apologize, and be respectful, or you can see the consequences of your actions. While here you will follow my rules, and I will discipline you just like I do my own children." Liam said sternly to the two, well three children.

" I can curse if I want too! You aren't my father! Bubba said I is allowed to curse when someone makes me upsetb And you did cause your an ass!" Screamed Nadine

" don't tell my sister what to do! This is a temporary placement, we know you don't care about us, so we will do our thing, you and your sons do your thing, and we will all be good? So just leave me and my sister and brother alone, get a life and stop being a fucking ass. I will not apologize to you because I don't have anything to apologize for, and my sister doesn't have to apologize either, she didn't do anything wrong. You can ground us or do whatever but it won't work." Noah said very attitude and mean like to Liam.

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