Chapter fifteen

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday I got my phone taken away

***** Sky POV *****

Justice picked me up and sat under the tree, I struggled to get out but his grip was too strong. "Now will you let me apologize" he said. I rolled my eyes and covered my face with my hands, giving him a stubborn look like a little kid. He tickled me and he knew that I was so tickle-ish that I couldn't resist to let free my hands.

"Can we talk now" he said with guiltiness in his eyes.

I just that they're giving him a glare "I'm sorry I didn't make it on time I was doing something... something I just... I was doing something and I lost track of time"

"What were you doing then"

"If I tell you you'll be mad at me"

"Better the reason I should leave"

Then he leaned in and kissed me, this wasn't like the kiss he did before this was a passionate kiss like it actually meant something.

He let go of the kiss and grabbed my hand, pulling me forcing me to run towards the direction he was going.

When we stop running we were on top of the highest hill in the park you could see the whole city from there.

At the top of his lungs he yelled out "I am in love with Skyler Carve!"

That you went down on one knee and held my hand saying "Sky can this... can tonight be a very first date, our first day out of 1000 more we will see say you will be my girlfriend... this might sound so soon but I've known you for six years and I've always loved you as a friend but now that we're older I've developed these feelings that I cannot hide, I love you so much please yes?"

I pulled my hand out and looked down the hills then I turn back around giving him a huge little kid smile "of course I well did you ever doubt I would say no. I said laughing.

Then he carried me bridal style back to our spot. by now it was around midnight

***** Justice POV *****

We just talked for about 20 mins underneath the tree when the...

... Light shut off. then right there we could see million of stars in the sky, like we were up in space.

"Wow it's beautiful"

I nodded in awe, then I looked down at Sky, her eyes twinkled as she looked at the stars. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and doom we both drifted if to sleep.

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