Chapter fourteen

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***** Justice POV *****

I wanted to show Skyler how much I liked her and I leaned into kiss her.

I'm such a jerk I'm going around kissing a bunch of girls today I don't know what to do.

I just pulled away and ran down the tree.

***** Sky POV *****

I hate this so much Justice thinks that he can just go around doing anything. I mean I love him and he's my best friend and all but he has been acting like a jerk lately.

I'm gonna be the bigger person here if he likes me he should tell me, so I texted him to meet me back at the tree at 10:30

He said yes.

It was 10:03 I had time. I went to an old friend's house to ask her to help me with something but the bad part was her brother was my second grade boyfriend. ya that boyfriend that your parents thought was cute but you thought that he had coodies. I wonder if he still likes me. what the hell am I talking about we were seven.

When I got to her house I grabbed all the supplies I needed. thank god I didn't run into him that would start even more drama.

What I got were white Christmas lights, a picnic blanket, pillows blankets, a portable outlet, and a box of crayons.

When I got to the tree I lay down the picnic blanket an put out the pillows and blankets and put the Christmas lights at over. When I plugged it in we could actually see. I said goodbye to Rachel, and waited.

It was 10:45 and Justice wasn't here yet and I got worried so I texted him.


Meh: where are you?

Justice 😘😍✌️💘: sorry I'm late I'm doing something rn on my way in 5

End of convo

***** Justice POV *****

I went to Jordan's because I wanted to hear her reasoning.

She told me that he kissed her and he wouldn't let her pull away and I believed I was gonna forgive her and get back together when Sky texted me.

I totally forgot about meeting her I didn't say anything I just said I had to go.

But then Jordan pulled me back. "don't leave...please" she said in her voice that made me melt I just stayed for a little but longer we were in her bed watching a movie when she fell asleep. I missed her then when I look down at my phone it said 11:32! I was so late I just ran out or the room not caring if I woke Jordan up or not I just had to get to the tree.

***** Sky POV *****

I waited for him hoping that he would come when it was 11:45 I wasn't waiting any longer for someone who wouldn't even show up. I was so tried I just got up leaving everything there and the lights still plugged in. When I got up i saw Justice

***** Justice POV ***** (sorry for changing POV a lot)

I was out of breath when I got there I saw what she set up.

She just got up to disgusted to even look at me she was gonna walk right by me but I grabbed her arm.

She looked at me and said in a calm yeah angry voice " why would I stay for someone who didn't even bother to show up in time, you were an hour late I have been waiting here for you to explain yourself, and the worse part is I was gonna forgive you"

She pulled away but I wasn't gonna let her get away that easy...

Another cliff hanger love ya will update tomorrow 😘😘

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