God, why am I feeling like this. It must be him to hide his eyes and feel guilty, but instead there he is standing in front of me completely nonchalant with a devilish grin and such piercing eyes that he might make a hole in me. Feeling a sudden anger and urge to rip that smirk off his face and get rid of his burning eyes I punch him in the chest with all my strength and turn on my heel trying to get back to my walk to school.

After a moment of complete confusion Mr. Sexy recovers himself and steps in front of me not leaving a chance to escape. 

"What do you want?" I ask suddenly feeling very tired.

"First of all I need your apologies. What was that for?" he asks trying to sound wounded but I can hear a note of amusement in his voice.

"My apologies?" I say with a don't-be-stupid face. "I think the only one to apologize in here is you." I almost hiss.

"For what, young miss: for interrupting your I'm-going-to kill-somebody mood or for an attempt to help you?"

"Help me???" I cannot hold the disbelief out of my voice. "I haven't seen your 'attempt to help me' yet. I've only seen a jerk that almost made my heart stop."

"Oh, honey, I never wanted your heart stop because of me.." he says in a mockingly sweet voice. And once again I push him away from me and want to go but this time he takes my arm and stops me abruptly:

"Oh no, young lady, you're not going to escape from me..Not until I hear your apologies for pushing me twice already."

"I'll never apologize to you so let me go, now! I'm late for my classes." I say and only now remember that I am actually late but I don't know how much time did we spend arguing like this. He doesn't let me go but turns me in his hands and leads us both towards his car.

"What are you doing?" I demand with stern voice.

"What I actually wanted to do from the very beginning." he says simply and I look up at him with confused expression. 

"I honked at you 'cause I saw you were upset and wanted to give you a lift to wherever you headed." He answers my unspoken question with a tired and a bit vulnerable expression on his face. His mood changes so unexpectedly and I suddenly want to soothe him but suppress the idea immediately and decide just to keep quiet for a moment to let him recover himself. As I remain silent his words slowly begin to sink in me and I think that maybe I was too impulsive and  just overreacted. Maybe this hot and breathtakingly handsome man deserves an apology...

He starts the car and we drive in complete silence.

"So...What's your name?" I ask the first thing in my mind trying to somehow lighten the atmosphere that slowly becomes too upsetting. After a few distressing moments of silence that really get on my nerves he sighs and finally answers:

"Jeremy...Jeremy Stone." I think he's going to add something but as silence fills the car again I understand that he's not going to reveal anything else without me pushing him.

"Well, nice to meet you Jeremy." I lift my little hand for him to shake but he doesn't move and keeps ignoring me. Gah...What's his problem? "And don't you want to know mine?" I ask as sweetly as I can. He finally turns his head towards me and my eyes meet his dark-hazel ones and his gaze almost burns my insides. He says nothing and with a don't-you-want-to-tell-me-something face turns away and that's when it hits me - he plays his game and waits for my apology. As much as I don't want to lose this battle I have to 'cause riding right here beside him in complete silence settles me really nervous.

"Oh, come on! You must be joking...Are you really so determined to hear my apology?" I stare at him with disbelief and he gives me his playful sexy smirk letting me know that I got him right. And it's definitely a YES!!! I fight the urge to hit him hard and let a heavy sigh.

"Okay, you won! I'm sorry... Happy now?" I snap at him irritated and turn to look through my window. He grasps my chin and turns my head so I have to look at his now smiling face. I struggle to get away from his grasp but his hold is firm so soon enough I give up. He leans slightly and releasing my chin says:

"Very..." Smiling broadly he turns his gaze back on the road and seeing him like this - so carefree and playful - makes my irritation evaporate and I recover my good-mood. How he does this? I cannot even be mad at him for long. What the hell is happening to me..One minute I'm angry and irritated and another I find myself enjoying the view in front of me. And I go into a deep thought considering why am I acting like this when his voice distracts me.

"Your brain must have a great amount of, um... things to process right now..." He chuckles lightly. Oh, great! Now he's laughing at me. But instead of feeling exasperated I find myself smiling at his words. I need to get used to the way things go round anywhere near Jeremy sooner 'cause it seems difficult to handle all the mood swings right now. It's just rather confusing.

"So would you tell me that name of yours at once?" He smirks at me and waits for my answer.

"Caroline..M-my name is Caroline"

"Nice to meet you too, Caroline. A nice name for a nice girl I suppose.."

"Oh, thank you handsome.." WHAT??I don't believe those words escaped my mouth. Why's it so hard to control myself in front of him..

"So you're even up for a few compliments?" I blush on his comment and lower my eyes to look on my hands. God, could this all be even more bewildering...And I blush even deeper.

"Oh, I like that color on your cheeks..Makes you look so childish and so cute." He says smiling widely and I feel his gaze at me but I cannot force myself look up at him. I'm too embarrassed right now.

I hear the car pull to the parking lot slowly and you can't even imagine how happy I am to reach the school finally. Now it seems the best place to go to, the only place where I can hide from this brown-haired Greek God beside me. He's so difficult and I just can't handle it any more. I quickly unbuckle my seat-belt and make a move to open the door but a strong hand stops me and keeps me in place.

"What?" I ask not actually understanding what does he want.

"You're leaving without even a simple 'thank you'?" He asks in a low deep voice which sounds a bit worried. I'm puzzled with this reaction but try to recover myself.

"Thank you." I say simply not wanting to go further with this. "I appreciate what you did for me and..um..thank you once more. It was nice to meet you and I'm late..really late." I smile warmly at him and he returns me a small smile on his beautiful lips.

"I would like to see you again somehow..Maybe you'll give me your number so I call you sometime?" He asks with a devilish grin and eyes me expectantly. No, no, no. I just want to get away from him...

"I don't think so, mister. I'm late, sorry, I have to go. See you later, maybe..." And with that I quickly rush myself out of the car and run towards the front door of the school all the way feeling his burning gaze following me...

Hey guys, this is my first story...And I'm sorry if it's weird. I want you to tell me if something's wrong 'cause I really want to write this good and interesting for all of you. Please comment, vote if you find this interesting enough..))) I would appreciate every advise from you...I really do hope that you'll love it. Thanks to all of you, who reads this story...I love you and want to make it better with every upload. I really need your advise and support.. Hope you like it!!!

I'm not sure about my main character yet...So what do you think he should be like, is he a bad one or a good one? I'm ready to hear all your suggestions and maybe I'll use one of them and implement it in Jeremy's character..))

P.S. I've used Sean Faris as Jeremy's prototype....)))I don't know your inclinations so you may imagine anyone you like)))for me he's actually very hot but you're free to do whatever you like and just enjoy it!!!

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