Chapter Five: Dead Meat

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The bakery was burned down within a few hours.


Cinder glanced at Echo's eyes- intense and pixelated against the glow of the fire.

"Some kid caught Rust while playing 'Kill Your Family'. Karma is a cruel mistress."


"You're right, Echo; it's a complete waste of bread."

With that, the two of them walked home, with their heads down.


Back at home, Cinder's stepmother greeted her at the front door, the same way she always did.

"I hate you!"

"Feeling's mutual." Cinder replied, the same way she always did.

The two of them would've loved to continue, but Cinder's evil stepmother became distracted with plans to acquire more influence and wealth in the community. If greed was an illegal drug, she would be well advised to seek therapy. If it were a charity, she would have claim as a primary contributor.

Cinder's stepmother's daughter- Cinder's stepsister- dragged Cinder through the house to her bedroom. She sat Cinder down on her bed, and began to pace. Cinder knew what to expect when she was like this. Morticibum (more-tis-eh-bum), or Morty, was ecstatic.

"Have you heard," she began at a heartbeat, "that prince Kai is going to marry queen Levana?"

Cinder shrugged. "Well, yeah."

Morty focused in on her. "Have you heard that he's in town?"

Cinder considered their encounter. "Yeah."

Morty sat down on the bed, next to her. "Have you heard about the bakery burning?"

Cinder recalled the smell of burning baked goods. "Yeah."

Morty leaned in. "Have you heard that prince Kai might be part of some scheme to save the galaxy?"

Cinder frowned at the memory of Kai's little penny-drop. "Yeah."

Morty was inches away from Cinder's ear. "Have you heard that there's a rumor in St. Petersburg?"

Cinder, a little unnerved by the lack of personal space, nodded. "Yeah...?"

Morticibum slugged Cinder in the jaw, popping her head into a one-eighty angle for the second time.

"...Thanks, Morty."


Morticibum retired from the room to help her mother, and Cinder sadly readjusted her head.

"She's the only one in this family who's nice to me."

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