While looking over to your best friend, something in the distant background behind his head made you gasp and stop in your tracks.

Obito's steps quickly halted soon after yours. A feeling in his gut led him to know you discovered something important. His voice was unusually low and calculated, "What'd you find?"

What you saw was a bone, large and jutting 40 feet in the air. That was when you noticed the numerous other bones within close proximity of the first. One large set of bones were positioned in a way where you could tell that it was a set of ribs. Images began to quickly flash through your mind.

Those bones.

That mountain.

This place.

You nodded solemnly, fists clenched.

This is it.

You suddenly recalled what the hideout resembled from the original show. You couldn't help but also tug your memories to that fateful scene where Obito broke out of this place and left to help his friends, entirely unaware of the pure, unadulterated agony he would soon find himself in for the rest of his life. You cringed before getting your thoughts back on track and turned back to Obito.

"It's here. We found it."

"Where, (y/n)?! We need to rescue Rin now!"

You stared gravely at the mountain in the distance before turning your attention back to your friend. "I know, Obito! But we need to come up with a plan first. Let me tell you just who we'll be up aga- h-hey! Stop! We can't go yet!" 

Obito grabbed onto your wrist and rushed you closer to the mountain while you begged him to relent even for just a second – a request that went unheard.


Upon reaching the entrance, your feet rooted in place, eyebrows furrowing. 

Wait, this isn't right.

The entrance should have a huge boulder blocking the way.

Why it is suddenly gaping?

What happened to the rock?

Is this not the hideout?

Did I make a mistake?

A million questions raced through your head as Obito recklessly charged into the darkness yelling for Rin. A sudden barrier of dirt made its way in front of him before he could get too far.

"Wha-? (y/n), what gives? Rin could be in danger, what's your problem?!" he angrily bellowed at you, the utter desperation evident in his voice.

Obito's words and demeanor hurt you, and normally you were one to apologize for upsetting him, but this time was different. Everyone's lives were on the line. You couldn't sit back and be compliant anymore.

"Obito, you're a 17-year-old shinobi, old enough to qualify as a Jonin. With that in mind, won't you please, THINK THINGS THROUGH BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED!"

Your voice echoed through the cave, clearly louder than you had meant to be. Obito looked at you with shock for a moment, before it became anger, then finally shifting to regret as his eyes averted to the ground.

"Please," you begged Obito with a softer, gentler tone. "I can't let you keep doing this. For all the years I've known you, I've let you make some pretty brash decisions, ones that could have easily ended your life. But I can't do this anymore, Obito! I need you to take better care of yourself! I'll always be there to support you, but I would never forgive myself if I couldn't keep you safe. Please. No matter what happens, I..."

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now