Chapter 2 (Preview)

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I groaned as I woke up. My head was throbbing, and every sound was a loud echo. Like waves in the sea, the sounds crashed and merged, rendering them indecipherable.

I opened my eyes, seeing nothing but bright, blurry colorful lights. Too bright; I quickly screwed my eyes shut. Finally, I started to make out voices; blurry at first, but slowly becoming clear.

"... Is alright? She hit her head pretty hard," One voice, somewhat familiar, spoke. I clutched my head, groaning in pain. It sounded like I was underwater, and my ears burned from the sound. the voice belonged to a male, and he sounded worried.

"Maybe. She is definitely awake, but probably has a concussion." An older voice answered. A doctor, perhaps? And who are they talking about?

-----(preview end)-----


Okay people! 

I'm in some serious writer's block and I need some help breaking free!

Please help by giving ideas, advice, or just by voting! I need to know if this story is still any good. 

Also, does anyone know how concussions clear up? I've never had one, so... ya... Is it like a fog that slowly clears? How long does that take? Or should I just have Draken be healed and be done with this thing?

Help. Please.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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