Chapter 1: Caught!

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Crouching in a nearby thicket, I watched as the castle sentry keep watch. Some were still statues, others were moving as they did their rounds. I glanced toward the rising moon; just a little longer...

Suddenly, I noticed one figure was not a guard. This person was wearing a platinum-gray cloak. It took me a minute to realize who they were. A Kapu!

The Kapu were extremely powerful magic-users. I knew the cloaks they wore showed their element through the colors and patterns. They also were extremely alert; always aware of their surroundings. Unfortunately, all Kapu were highly respected, and very loyal to the king.

The Kapu strode over to a stock-still armored man. The man turned. The two started to talk. Now, I realized. I needed to go now, while the Kapu and guard were distracted. 

I lifted up my hood, then slipped out of the thicket. I was well mastered in the arts of camouflage, patience, and silent swiftness. I used them all. I bent low to the ground, matching my movement to the dances of moon-lit shadows and the whispering wind. At the bridge, I crawled in the Guardrail's shadow. 

Finally, I was at the outer wall of the palace. The outside walls had a periwinkle pearlescent color at night, were glistening white during the day, and shining copper at twilight. The pointed roofs were like ice cream sugar cones made of lapis lazuli. 

Past the wall, I slipped into the courtyard, a phantom in a my own right. A small feeling of doubt was growing, but I didn't know why.

Inside, I stopped in a pillar's shadow. I finally realized what the feeling was saying. "This is too easy." I shook my head, this wasn't easy. I moved down the halls. It had taken a couple of days to find the vault and figure out when the guards entered my route. "This is too easy. Why are there no footsteps?" THAT point made me freeze. The feeling was right. I could not hear anything now, except my own quick breathing. I knew most of the guards knew no magic, so where were the guards?!

"Hello," A voice chuckled from close behind. I launched two feet (60.96 cm) in the air, screaming in surprise, then landed on my rear. Almost immediately, I jumped up, and spun around to glare at the person who dared scare me on a mission. My shock caused me to stumble and topple backwards. The voice. Belonged. to a kapu! 

The kapu was very young, looking about 25 to 30 years old! He wore a cloak the shade of Malachite, and a large piece of uncut fire opal, in bright reddish-orange, clasped the cloak around his neck. His hood was down, letting me see his spiky red hair, tan skin, and humored amber eyes.

Suddenly, I realized I was staring, with my mouth open. I quickly shut my jaw and glanced to the side.

"Hello," He chuckled again. My hand swiftly went to the dagger on my side, while still looking to the side. The kapu chuckled once more. I couldn't take it. I glared at the kapu.

"Why are you laughing?!" I snapped. Then I noticed something off. Why was my voice NOT disguised?! I felt around my neck. My cloak was missing! I yelped. Before I knew what I was doing, I was running away from the kapu.

I did not get far. I failed to see the green, three foot (91.44 cm) drake leap out of a hallway in front of me. I fell onto its back, then slipped onto the ground. Dazed, my eyes closed, and I lost consciousness.

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