We ALWAYS stay in control!

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" the voice is echoing again through the room. Suddenly black smoke starts to come out of the walls. We run in the middle of the room as fast as we can while dodging the smoke. Then I feel my legs pulled back and I fall on the ground. My face lands with a big slam on the cold floor. I feel like someone is pulling me back to him witg a strong grip around my ankles. 

"Matt! Take my hand!" I hear Singe yelling. I look up and try to reach her hand but as soon as I grab it I'm pulled into the smoke. My vision is all black but I feel that I'm awake. Where am I? I open my eyes. I lie in a complete black and empty room. No doors, no windows, completly empty!

"Welcome Matthew!" I hear the voice once again. But I can locate it directly behind me. Then I feel somebody forcefully bringing me on my legs with a strong grip around my arms. I start to struggle. 

"Let me go!" I yell. The person turns me around and I look in Dark's black eyes. I gulp as he looks at me with a big smile. I try to struggle but something keeps me in place. I look down and see smoke around me. I only can move my head. What the hell is this stuff?!

"It's time, that you become a loyal puppet!" he yells and forcefully opens my mouth with one hand. He raises the other hand and a bunch of smoke starts to form in his hand. I look at him desperated and intimidated. Then he pulls his other hand over my mouth and the smoke enter my mouth. He shuts my mouth and a bunch of burning pain starts to form in my entire body. I try to open my mouth but Dark forcefully keeps it closed. The pain gets in every place in my body and is getting worse with every second. I yell into Dark's hand but only muffled sounds are coming out.

Suddenly the pain stops and I drop my head down. The smoke slowly disappears but I still stand on my feets. My mind is completly empty.

"Now, my puppet, how do you feel?" Dark asks me. I feel how proud he is, that he released me. He's proud on me! A smile starts to form on my face.

"Good, my master." I say and go on my knees. I hear my master chuckling. 

"Now, I have a question. Who's your lord and savior?" he ask questioning. His chuckling is becoming louder. 

"You, my lord. And all the other AlterEgos. You're my lord, savior and master." I say decisivly.

"What's your wish?" I ask him. I will do everything what he wants. He's my savior and I'm his loyal marionette.

"Bring me Signe. Alive." he replies chuckling and I laugh with him. 

"Yes, master!" I say and close my eyes. 

"Then go, my loyal puppet. Make me proud!" I hear him say and I open my eyes. I feel that somebody's shaking me. My vision gets clearer with every blink. I see Singe right in front of me. It's getting better and better.

"Matt? Matt!" she says and notices that I'm awake. I try to stand up but I'm too weak. 

"Carefully Matt. You're lieing here since the smoke has disappeared." Singe says worried. If she would know what I'm planing. Now I'm happy that I used to do theatre. 

"I'm alright...thanks Signe." I lie pretending to be thankful. As soon as I can stand Signe sees my right eye and starts to look at me worried.

"M-Matt, why is your right eye black?" she says and takes a few steps back. She already can think about what is going to happen. I need to capture her! But I can't kill her! It was an order of my master and I must obey him!

Singe's POV:

"M-Matt?" I say nervously. I knew that something was not right! Why would he lie on the ground unconscious without any wounds or anything else. That black eye already gives me a hint that he's not alright.

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now