Chapter 5

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"Elise." The curtains to my window were opened, letting in the sunlight. I mumbled death threats at whoever was waking me up this early. I felt someone's fingers graze over my cheek and my eyes fluttered open.

"Time to get up, love." Christian hopped up and gestured behind him to a mannequin wearing a sparkly sleek sky blue dress, holding a small black clutch, and iced with diamond bracelets and earrings. Under the strap of the dress, was a large piece of paper.

Knowing he wouldn't say anything if I asked, I got up and opened it. It was an invitation. "Elise- Meet me tonight at the gala. Don't worry about finding me, I'll find you. With love, Christian." I read the card. "Why couldn't you just tell-" I turned around to find that he was gone.

"It's not my fault you can't get a ticket!" Bailey's screaming woke me up. I closed my eyes tight, trying to get back to sleep. "I'm still not seeing how this is my fault." She paused. Was she talking to herself? "Then why are you taking it out on me?" She shouted.

"Bailes!" I sat up. She was pacing around our room with her phone on her hand. She looked beyond pissed.

She tossed her phone at me. "Here. You deal with him."

I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone. She was yelling at Kevin that whole time? "Hello?" I spoke.

He sighed. "Just, tell her I'll call her later."

"Maybe you shouldn't." I stole a glance at Bailey, who was currently looking out the window, sitting on the window seat. Her hair covered her face, her arms wrapped around her knees. "Give her a while. She'll call you." I hung up and put the phone on the table in the living room.

"Hey." I said slowly. She turned her head quickly, as if she forgot I was there. "What happened?"

She threw her hands in her hair pushing it back. "He couldn't get a ticket to Italy and somehow its my fault." She shook her head.

"What? Is he afraid you're into some new Italian dude?" I bumped her shoulder with mine.

She laughed. "I guess so. I don't know." Her phone rang from the table, and a picture of Kevin filled the screen. "Just let it ring." She turned her head back to the window and I got up.

I moved to the kitchen to make us chocolate chip pancakes. My phone vibrated, shaking the counter a little. I looked at it, seeing Tony's name at the top of the screen.


I replied a quick response and went to change. "Bailey, I'm leaving." I called. I slipped on my white skinny jeans and black tank top and headed out the door. I had left plenty of pancakes for Bailey. I closed the door behind me, hesitating slightly.

Is she gonna be okay? I pulled my phone out of my pocket, thinking it over. Usually during times when they fought, they spent a day or two not talking. To each other or about it. If she needed anything, she'd call. Right? Right. I headed to my car, and to the café down the street.

The back of Tony's head was visible from the windows. Walking up, I covered his eyes from behind him. In an instant though, he had sprung up from his chair and locked my arms behind me, caught in his grip.

I let out a little shriek. After he realized it was me, he let me go. Immediately apologizing. "A little jumpy, aren't we?" I half joked.

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