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9:00 PM

As I've built up the courage to talk to the woman, I am now sitting on the same bench at the same exact time staring at the position in which the woman usually stands but this time she isn't there.

"She's probably just late". I told myself.

And so I sat there patiently waiting for her arrival.

After hours have passed, I took notice of some people on the bridge but none of which were her.

"Did you know that a woman killed herself here not too long ago, how can she do that in such a beautiful place like this". One told the other.

"Oh my that's so sad, I wonder what could have been the cause of such action". The other replied.

Taking one last look at the river they both shook their heads disappointedly and slowly made their way to a different spot in the park.

I stood up quickly feeling a sharp pain in my chest as my heart shredded into pieces as though it were paper and sadness washed over me, I closed my eyes as my legs gave up on me and soon came into contact with the cold grass.

"She's gone, she committed suicide, she's my inspiration, but not only my inspiration". I softly said to myself after processing what was said.

"I- I love her". I breathed out.

Feeling ashamed of myself because I couldn't bring myself to talk to her, I missed the moment and now I regret it.

I looked up at the moon gathering the pieces of moonlight one by one.

"Please!, like yesterday come back in front of me" I said in hopes that there will be that moment again.

A beautiful story - Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now