24- "Why are they here!"

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Matthew gestures for Kendra to continue, "So, we split into two teams. Matthew and Josh go to the police station to stop Riley and I'll go to the base to get Victoria back. She probably knows more than we do. Zach and Anna go with Matthew and Josh since Zach should know the station pretty well, and Savannah and Heather come with me because they know where the base is. Is that good?"


Riley's POV (a few moments ago)

I can't believe them. They betrayed me. Savannah, Heather, even Anna. I know for a fact Tiffany didn't, knowing what happened last time. In fact, I know she got turned in. I don't even want to know what they are doing to her. Sucks to be her.

I know what they're doing next so I better get moving. I order some men to head to the house to stop them from getting here.

I take my phone out to contact Owen that the plans have changed. He responds saying that he is making his way over to the park where we meet. Good.

I head to the park seeing that Owen is all ready.

We make eye contact and nod to each other before heading into the car that brought me here.

After a few minutes of driving, we make it to the police stations. We head in the doors to see the police officers tied to a pole and my men surround the perimeter. They see me and clear my way.

They see Owen following me and was about to shoot him but I put my hand up saying that he's with me. They bring down their fire and nod. Owen looks at me, frightened. That made me chuckle.

We head into the security room to see a close at the door. I look and Owen and he gets into business.

A few seconds later, the door opens. I smile at Owen and make my way into the room.

There are many switches, buttons, and computers in this room. In the corner of my eye, I see Owen looking amazed by the amount to tech in here. I roll my eyes.

I tell Owen to disengage the amount of security and connect it to our system. He looks at me hesitate before I glare at him. He widens his eyes then gets to work. Ha, sucker.

A few moment later, I hear a crash from down below. I look at the camera and see Matthew, Anna, Josh, and Zach standing by the doorway. Matthew and Josh fight my men while Zach and Anna untie the officers, telling them to retreat.

Dang it! Why are they here! I tell Owen to hurry up but he says that one miss move and he has to start all over again.

I look at the camera to see that they have defeated my men and make their way in the building, occasionally fighting someone in their way.

I bring out my device at put it on the door before closing it.

Owen asks, "What is that for?"

I answer, "Camouflage. Keep working." He obeys and continues. I continue to look at the computer and see that they have weapons. WHAT?! Dang it!

I call more men get our weapons. They don't know what they are in for.

Matthew's POV (present)

I say, "Ok guys, follow my lead." Before I could do anything, Zach steps in front of me,

"Do you really know the way around this place?"

I respond, "Well I know it good enough to walk through it so yes."

He replies, "Well you should let me do the leading and you...do you." And he walks in front of me, leaving me shocked in place.

I hear a chuckle behind me to see that it came from Josh. He always does that.

I walks up to me, pats my back, and walks ahead. I roll my eyes and follow.

After a few minutes of walking, we have randomly stopped. I see Zach looking a bit confused.

He says, "I swear, the security room was right here."

I respond, "Well you should have me lead then."

"Yeah, whatever. I know my way around than you do."

I was about to argue but then I hear footsteps coming our way. We brace for whoever it is, ready to shoot.

Men dressed in black show up. I aim at them and shoot, but they shielded themselves and made my shot useless. That's weird, my guns usually works every time I shoot. Josh tries but it happens to him too.

The men then surround us and take out their own weapons. If their shield are strong enough to resist our weapons, then their own weapon must be way powerful. Zach and Anna try to escape but they use their shields to keep in inside the circle.

They aim at us and we brace of impact. But that doesn't happen.

I look around and see Kendra and Victoria fighting them from the outside, breaking the circle. We use this to our advantage and escape from it, going to the place where Savannah and Heather are.

Kendra stands in front of us, about to use her weapon. I was about to tell her that they don't work but she shoots anyways. The same thing happens like it did for ours. She looks confused.

By this time, the shot has made the men's attention focus back to all of us in one place. They again advance surrounding us by all sides, leaving no place to escape.

By then, I thought we were done. It's over. I get ready but again, it never happens.

I look around and see Victoria swinging from on top, landing perfectly in the circle and uses her gloves.

She shoots at all of them from her gloves, which is very powerful that it sends the men flying far away, unconscious, occasionally getting a few punches here and there. Why is hers powerful?

After a few minutes of her shooting at them, it all stops. She turns around and everyone gasps.

She has cuts all over her face and arms while her pants look badly ripped. I for a moment feel bad for treating her how I did treat her.

She makes her way towards us and puts her arm out in the middle. She asks, "Team?"

Everyone looks at each other then puts their hand in the middle. We all smile.

What a great way to end the chapter ;)  There will be more coming.

Kids Undercover |✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora