Comparing Passages Animal Farm

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The extracts of the novella Animal Farm by George Orwell depict the decaying of the ideals of communism. Orwell introduces the precepts of Animalism as agreements for the farms well being further develop through the book.

Both passages comment on the distress between Snowball and Napoleon who represent Trotsky and Stalin of the Russian Revolution. Napoleon is expressed as tactical as "he said that education of the young was more important" but inwardly his morals only lead to his own personal benefits. Orwell suggests that power is taken not given and by isolating the dogs 'up into a loft' based on false promises of being 'responsible for their education. This seclusion into 'the harness room' reveals the slavery yet to follow, inferred to be previously owned by Jones ironically delineating Napoleon's buried morals, which is later expressed as "the dogs following him now mounted onto the raised portion of the floor." This sculpts the planning of the dogs 'education' only to overthrow Snowball.

Orwell suggests that power is taken not granted through Squealers speech 'we pigs are brainworkers' and 'the whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us' echoes the self-appointed leadership.

Orwell evokes the idea of selfishness and greed within the characters of the pigs who manipulate the blind dedication and loyalty of the animals. Napoleon employs the character of Squealer as a mouthpiece, to provide 'necessary explanations to the others' who influentially opposes any arguments which resurface amongst the animals. Paralleling with a similar statement 'Squealer was sent round the farm to explain the new arrangement to the others'. The only time Snowball and Napoleon appear to agree is when they are to benefit, symbolising their greed in order to preserve themselves.

Constantly Orwell reminds the reader of the animals' lack of intelligence as the pigs target the naivety of the animals by outwardly enforcing Old Major's dying wish. In Squealer's speech often the animals are attacked by direct remarks 'it Is for your sake we drink that milk and eat those apples' once again blaming their intellectual capabilities. Squealers words are sharp targeting each individual 'you do not imagine,' and 'do you know what would happen' equating to the suppression of the animal's murmurs. Squealer silver-tongued lecture promotes Napoleon's use of terror to gain power.

After Snowball's expulsion the tone shifts to a saddened and defenceless style, 'even Boxer was vaguely troubled' as they were unable to fathom the unconscious games the pigs are unveiling over the course of the novella. The sheep being the most dull-witted on the farm belt 'Four Legs Good Too Legs Bad' as it is a simple easy slogan, which cannot stress their easily challenged minds. The animals are devoted to the concept of Animalism who desire to improve their lives, captivated by Napoleon's display of power imitating Old Major's.

The pigs instil this fear within the animals which they utilise once in a while to exercise their power over the helpless animals. Squealer rhetorically questions 'there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?' invoking fear towards Jones only to be repeated in the second passage by reinforcing 'surely comrades you do not want Jones back?' The animals are constantly frightened of returning to the old regime in Jones' day.

Greed and selfishness are constantly expressed through the passages as Napoleon employs the character of Squealer as a mouthpiece, to provide 'explanations to the others' who influentially opposes any arguments which arise amongst the animals. Orwell applies words such as 'necessary' to demonstrate the silver-tongued attitude.

Napoleon's insecurity is expressed through the first extract as 'he said that the education of the young was more important.' Orwell suggests that this power is taken by Napoleon not granted, as tension builds between Napoleon and Snowball. Napoleon feels inferior and suffices the need to organise exclusive safety for himself. "Napoleon took no interest in Snowball's committees" already the pair withhold a tense relationship, as they are rivals.  

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