*twelve* ~Cass

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"No." she quietly muttered looking away.

"Is a certain someone crushing?" he teased.

"NO" by now Cassidy was blushing red.

"Cass stop looking at those awful shoes your mother has bought you" Mr.Cannon made a face that looked like he wanted to throw up.

"there flip flops and I think there adorable" Cass sassed.

"eww there hideous!"

"Meany!" Cass stuck out her tongue and mentally danced when Mr.Cannon rolled his eyes. "Wait you hear that?" he mumbled smirking. "No?" confusingly she rolled her eyes at her weird dad. "Its the front door you idiot!" he exclamied. "Really?!" she smiled huge and she ran heading to the door, not being affected by the insult of an "idiot". she knew he was joking. Cass opened the door wide and came face to face with a single rose. his face was planted behind it as he smiled shyly. "Hey Cass" he stratched the back of his head and looked everyone other than her. "Uhh, hey Matt"

she smiled and gently moved his hand he held the rose in so she can see his face better. "Oh this rose is for you, I saw a guy selling in on the way here and it reminded me of you.... because you blush alot around me. though don't worry its cute though!" he rambled and didn't see himself blush too. "Awe thank you Matt! I should get you a rose too, kinda does remind me of you" she teased while he starting blushing. he grabbed her hands and placed the rose in them, and then finally closed it in a fist. she blushed unexpectedly. "Thank you so much Matt!" she gushed and hugged him. her hands sliding across his neck and he immediately put his hands on her waist and brought her closer. "I love your hugs" Cass giggles. "I love yours more, but hey are you going to let me in or should I stay outside?" Matt smirked at her reaction. "Oh my god! sorry Matt! come in" she gestered. he thanked her and went he went forward, she secretly sniffed her roses and almost melted at the beautiful scent.


"I'll miss you baby girl" Alexa faked a sniff and gave Cassidy a tight hug. "I'll miss you more girl" Cassidy blinked and pretended there were tears in her eyes. "Oh c'mon girls! you'll see each other tomorrow at school and what not! everywhere else!" Matt yelled playfully pulling at his hair in fustration. these girls have been prentending to say goodbye for 10 minutes and Matt couldn't stand it. he wanted to hug Cass and he promised himself he would get a small kiss from her too. "Ha you girls aren't the only ones hugging and chatting like you'll never see each other again!" Alexa's friend, Mike yelled and tackled Matt in a hug to which he fell onto the floor groaning. "Meet our ship name, Miktthew!" Mike laughed. Cass and Alexa rolled there eyes and went back to chatting. "Wow Mike now there gonna spend more time on purpose!" Matt whispered. "You guys aren't still gone?" Ms.Canon came in and laughed when she saw Matt and Mike on the floor. "So you want me out your house? ok I see how it is Ms.-"

But Ms.Cannon left to go to sleep.

 who wouldn't when its 9:00 at night. "She hates me" MIke fake cried and went to give Matt a hug but Matthew got up and dusted off his pants. "Cassidy can I talk to you?" he was getting annoyed that he couldn't talk to her without her friends going up to her. "Hey" both voices said in sync. Matt looked behind him and saw "jack and jack". 2 guys that were "bestfriends" with Mike came from the kitchen with pizza in there hands. behind them came 2 of Alexa and Cass's bestfriends. Matt rolled his eyes knowing they were coming after Cass. so he got up and headed towards her. her tapped her shoulder and she turned. "Can I talk to you?" he mumbled feeling stupid now everyones looking at him. "Yea sure" she smiled and dragged him to the front door and away from the noise. "whats up Matt?"

"Uhh I just wanted to say, I was gonna start heading off now" 

"really?" Cassidy sadly mumbled. "Yea my mom's proboaly texting me a bunch" 

"Wait do you wanna slice of pizza or anything?" she questioned hoping he'd say yes. 

"No I actually wanted a kiss" He blurted out. after a moment for Matt to make contact he slided his hands around her waist and brought her closer to him. she gasped at the sudden closeness. before she knew it, they were face to face. "Can I?" he huskly said.

she nodded unable to process the sexy Matthew Espinosa in front of her. 

They closed the space in front of them and kissed.


im even fangirling <3 I cant even wait for the s e x part seriously bcz he's too fuc*ing sexy ♥ 

u guys r fab too 

TYSM for still readin even though im shitty at writing.

Dedicated to a orny Matt 😋

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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