*twelve* ~Cass

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Cass smiled widely when she saw beatrice cover her face between Sam's legs. but of course stayed confused on why Matt really left. "Hey Cassidy!" Sam smiled and gave his upper leg a push behind Beatrice so she faced Cass

"Say Hi Tricey!" He urged. The small girl giggled and shyly said "Hi" which made Cass awe in suprise. "She's so cute!" Cass fangirled and then said "Hi little girl" She cooed when Beatrice giggled again with a toothy smile. "Sam!" a voice called.  both looked back and saw a beautiful blonde looking in different areas and yelled out the name 'Sam' again. "Right here Amia!" Sam blushed and called her name. The girl 'Amia' then turned and looked at us. "Sam!" 

"I was looked all over for you! I think I lost Ethan!" She fustratedly ran a hand through her ponytail in stress. "You did?" Now sam was in shock but his eyes soften. Cass immediately knew he was in love and this was the girl that asked him to be friends. "We got to find him!" Sam mumbled looking at a very sorryed Amia. "I'll help" Cass smiled shyly entering there conversation. "And you are?" Amia said confused. "Cassidy Cannons, a friend!" Cass politley pulled out her hand for a shake but Amia looked away with a scoff. "Sam come with me, I think I know where he is!" Amia exclaimed already pulling Sam's hand to a direction with Beatrice following along confused. Cass shook her head and left to check on Matt. how can someone do that? she thought imaging Amia pulling Sam away. she must have been jealous. Cass thought. "I mean I would too if Matt was with a girl" Cass muttered and spotted the mens bathroom nearby. a scream on laughter caught Cass's attention and she turned to see what it was. "Now do you know?!" I familiar voice playfully yelled and the small baby boys laughter ran through Cass ears.

Cassidy followed the direction of the voice and came in front of a view with Matt sitting on bench with a 4 year old on his lap while he tickled him. "Matt?" Cassidy's confusedly said. Matthew looked up with a huge smile painted his face and he smiled even bigger when he saw her. "Cassidy!" He waved for her to come and she did. "Look at who I found, his names Ethan" Matt giggled and Cass awed at the sight. Ethan- The name repeated in her head. "Ive heard that somewhere" she thought. 

"Ethan?" her eyebrows furrowed together and she gave the baby a small smile. "Yea isn't he adorable?" Ethan's face digged into Matt's chest in shyness. "Yea, hey where did you find him?"

"Here why?"

"I think that's the boy Sam and Amia are looking for" she muttered hoping not to make Matt frown but instead he nodded understanding. "Yea he was talking about some Sam and Ania girl" Matt shrugged now standing on his feet and instantly Ethan wrapped his small chubby legs around Matt's torso. "Its Amia" Cass giggled at the adorable baby accent Ethan had said. "Amia? is that Sam's girlfriend" Matt questioned with curiousity. "Im not sure" she gestured for Matt to follow her so they can find Amia and sam. "well she better be" Matt mumbled.

"what's that?"

"Oh its nothing" 



Cass laughed quietly when her dad failed at flipping the steak so it fell and then hit the floor. "Damn" he muttered picking it and up and throwing in the trash nearby. "All you've been doing is seeing me struggle with this steak! stop laughing Cass!"

That made Cass laugh out loud. "Sorry dad but you suck at grilling" she laughed even harder. "Yea yea, say whens Matt that boy coming?" Mr.Cannons said flipping the steak and almost dropped it. those words made Cassidy stop laughing. she looked at her flip flops and suddenly found them so interesting. "Cass baby is something wrong?" he asked.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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