*Six* ~Cass

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(sorry its cass again..I updated by casspov SORRY!!)


Cassidy came down the stairs with a fast pace. they only have 20 minutes till class started. "hold the hurry Cass, its fine if were late..we'll be late together" he said smiling shyly at her. she blushed at his words. Matt said goodbye to her parents, Mr and Mrs.Cannon. Cassidy then grabbed her purple bookbag and walked out hurriedly. "bye mum, dad". "Bye hun, bye Matthew..keep my daughter safe" Mrs.Cannon waved and so did Matthew. " I will" he waved back. (well that part sucked, imma do better)

They walked side by side, there arms slightly brushing. "its funny how 4 days ago, we met and I had a sleepover at your house already" she laughed resting her head on his shoulder and grabbing his hands, entwined them. "yea" he nervously laughed. her hand made him want her touch even further.  he tightened his grip on her, as if his life depended on it. "I'm sorry" Matt said embarrassed that he would squeeze the girls hand. he let go of it and she took her head off his shoulder. "sorry too" Cassidy scratched her neck sheepishly.

When they entered the school, they both were quick to there lockers which were 5 lockers away from each other. only a few students were around the halls, most of them talking among a group. "we have 5 minutes and then I have Band" Cassidy groaned at the thought of band.

"Sucks to be you, I have Art" Matthew sticked his tongue out. he was getting used to acting wierd around Cass. "I hate you" Cass said shoving her Math homework for tomorrow(which was done) in her locker. Matthew laughed closing his locker back. "I'll see you at at lunch?" Matthew questioned. "Of course" Cass said, trying not to sound overexcited. "great" Matthew came close to her and kissed her cheek, he then walked backwards to his class. "see ya later Cassybear" he winked jokingly. she rolled her eyes at him and waved with a   smile tugging her lips. he then disappeared through the halls.

Cass faintly smiled. when she reached band class, she straightened her posture and walked in. Alexa and Dylan eyes lit up when Cass entered. "Cass here" Alexa said waving. Cassidy waved and sat beside them. "you haven't texted me, what happen? you always text" Alexa said her eyebrows knitted together. "I don't know, im pre-" her voice faded when sound of vicious heals were heard.

it was there band teacher. she was tall-extra tall with the heels. so probably 6'3. she gave the class a smile and sat on her desk. all of our eyes were deverted to her. everyone was silence. "ok, get your music paper from last class and began to memorize it, but before that we will do attendance" she said smiling again but no one smiled or grinned at her.

"ok, lets start"


Cass walked to lunch with Matthew right beside her. "are you going to talk or?" Cass said raising her eyebrow at Matt, who was in deep thought. "uh sorry" he said shaking his head as if he wanted to clear whatever was on his mind. "just thinking"

"about what?" Cass said. he looked at her and back at the line they were in. "stuff"

"oh" she stopped there, not wanting to intrude him anymore. after a long silence, they were seated together. "Cass, did you forget me again?" Alexa said jokily. she sat with Dylan and a few others. Matthew and Dylan shared a glance with one another. "sorry" Cass said softly frowning. "oh its ok, as long as you hang out with Matthew" she said stretching Matthews name, as in teasing. Cass blushed and gave Alexa a huge death glare as in a way saying 'shut up or you'll die' which Alexa laughed too. Dylan was talking to the other friends of his. "Ok I surrender" she put her hands up, snickering as Cassidy began talking to Matt. "Matt, my mom and dad aren't gonna be here tomorrow, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for a movie day" Cass proposed shyly. "sure" he said, but his mind was far from the place. "great, I'll tell you the details tomorrow" she grinned. "Hey Cass" Dylan said waving at her which she returned back.

"Are you and Matthew dating?" he questioned, curiosity lacing his deep voice. "no no no no" Cass said shaking her head repeatedly. she felt embarrassed that he would think that. "just friends"

But Alexa was smirking the whole time. "Cass whatcha doing Saturday, since Friday is already occupied" Alexa smirking accomplished when Matt blushed and faced away. "nothing" she muttered. "how bout we go to the mall, I can bring Dylan and you bring Matt".

Cass thought for a moment. if it meant spending time with Matt then it was a yes. "Yes!" she agreed to which Dylan heard. "mall eh?" he said grinning. "what makes you think I'm going to come" he joked. "yea, all you do is go to Hollister and Starbucks" Matt joined smirking to which Cass redden. his smirk was specifically meant to her. "im going to drag you both there and tell the world Dylan's crush and Matt's.." Alexa said stopping. "Matt's crush" she shouts pointing at a velvet colored Matt. "shutup" he said getting up from the table and leaving to throw his trash. "wow Alex, great move.. and I'll talk about it" Cass said shaking her head disappointingly at Alexa and walked out towards Matt's figure that was heading out.




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