*Two* ~ Matt

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Chapter 2-

The boy left 5 minutes after staring at Cassidy. he knew if he would make a friend, then the friend would eventually leave him. people would always tell him that they would stay by his side. always.

but now he didn't believe anybody. he didn't even trust his own dog. so he abandoned him. he already had a torn up heart. the pieces were ripped up and eaten by the devil himself. what has he

done to deserve a broken life?

Matthew ate his grilled cheese his mom left in silence. the house was empty, so his mom was at work.

His dad was not to be told about. he tried to keep his mind empty but it kept coming back to the "girl" who's name was Cassidy.

but he couldn't stop his mind. she indeed was beautiful, but in Matt's eyes, she was just another girl who would ruin Matthews life and leave him in tears. so he left as soon as possible.

he still had a feeling the girl would talk to him again.

He had some sort of bad luck brought upon him. and sure didn't want anymore problems to be blamed on himself.

After that he sat there. sat there in silence was his daily routine. he had nothing better to do but be depressed.

clearly he wasn't popular or one who was bullied at school. he was just a lonely indistinct human, trying to block everyone's way of entering.


He stared long and hard at the mirror. his dark bags were showing more and more everyday. he was starting to look depressed. acting depressed was something else. it was just acting it out it. which he talked to nobody so they thought he was ok. while looking like it made everyone think you needed help.

He needed help.

He needed someone to be there for him.

He needed time and love.

But his mom was at work all day and other than that, no one have ever came 10 feet near him. they kept there distance. he was happy and sad. happy that they would leave him alone but sad that no one cares about him. even if he was a stranger to others.

Matthew grabbed a banana and peeled it open. chowing it all down. he then grabs his book bag and carries it over his right shoulder while heading out the door. his ocean blue colored skateboard held in his hands, dropped while he went on it sliding across the concrete.

His skating was long, ignoring the graveyard to his left. he hated just looking at it. the 3 most important people died there, and they all were the only thing Matthew depended on...other than his mother.

His school came in view later on with walking. he had only 5 minutes to get to class and his locker before the bell rang and he was willing to make the most of it. he grabbed his orange math textbook and sketch book then shut his locker back. all he had Math, Art and p.e and science.

Laughter and footsteps were heard to the left and Matthew knew those were the Football players. he used to be one. but everything changes, everyone changes.


but Matt didn't answer, instead he walked to homeroom alone with a depressed facial expression. he didn't have the strength to smile or at least build up the courage for a fake one. he couldn't even walk without thinking he was going to fall. he was in a fragile state.

Everyone stayed quiet as the Matthew known as "the quiter of the football team" walked in. but he had a reason. he was the star footballer of the group. but now Dylan Ronald Felix was the star. taking his place was hard. Dylan had to claim he was the best. but seniors kept whispering how 'no one would replace Matt. his dad used to encourage him into many sports.

But now there wasn't a human to come from the dead and back into your life. that was impossible.

he sat while the teacher passed around a sheet of paper. the football game.


This years football game has not yet to arrive, just yet! all of our football players are working on being the best against Redwood high. in the next 3 months we will have all of our players playing!

Tickets are going to be on sale on October 1st through October the 13th.

We will see you all at Roovers Stadium at 7:00 a.m.

More details will be out each month. can't wait to see you all cheering for us.

-Steve,Danny,Nash,Taylor, and Dylan..many more others as well!


The sheet was decorated with footballs and stars. Matthew sighed heavily. there's no turning back to whatever miserable path he headed. no turning back...

(Btw they just started school so they have three months until the football game starts)




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