*Four* ~Matt

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Chapter 4-

"She's gonna leave you just like the others"

Matthew punch the wall with anger and trying to not wince at the pain. he just thought of the day that passed at school. he actually made a friend? he was still so shocked at the word friend. he hasn't had one since-the time half his family passed away. He looked at the damaged and came faced with a small hole. he sighed heavily. at least he did it in his room and not outside in the living room. his mom was at work..again. so he had the house in silence. he was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice blood dripping from his knuckles. when he realized, he went to the bathroom and put some bandages on it.

The sound of a loud growl interrupted his thoughts. it was his stomach pleading for food. he stalked towards the kitchen and opened the cabinets. he found nothing. he opened another and came face to face with cookies. how old were they? he shrugged grabbing the whole packet of the hard cookies. before he could eat them, he realized he didn't have milk to accompany. he opened the fridge door but was met with an empty atmosphere. 'no milk for me' he thought. Matthew then walked to the open jar that had a few dollars in them from his mother just in case he needed anything. he left the cookies behind and grabbed a 5 dollar bill and then walked out the door. he needed a job. badly.

He didn't care if he still had his uniform on. he goes to school so what was the big deal? he walked on the coaled colored sidewalk , whistling at if he didnt make a hole in the wall just minutes ago. he kept keep his pace slow and calm. when the Supermarket came in view he quickened his pace slightly trying to reach there.

The cold gust of air hit his body, causing him to shiver but still keep walking.(author Note- he's inside the market, store or whatever u wanna call it)

Matt walked down the last ile were they kept milk. he grabbed a carton of white milk off the freezing shelf and starting strolling away from the ile. he immediately saw the cashier area and starting walking. but he froze as soon as brown natural wavy curls were seen in his sight. the direction of her face was glued to the short shelf's that carried junk food. she was scanning them. even though her messy wavy hair was blocking her entire face, Matthew knew who that was. he could recognize it. 'probably because she freakin keeps looking at me all the time' Matthew thought bitterly.

it was Cassidy.

He cursed incoherent things under his breath. the last person he wanted to see. he turned to the right, hoping to find another simple way to the cashier. but before he could walk clear out of sight, someone spoke up. "Matthew!" The cheerful voice of Cassidy. Matthew turned around, he didn't want to be mean to a girl. so he forced himself into smiling. "oh hey Cassidy, its fate" he chuckles jokingly. But he thought over the words he said. Fate.

'fate my ass'

"what brings you here?" she smiled, put her eyes flickered to the Milk. she knew why he came here it was simple. she just wanted to talk to him. " I uh have no milk for my cookies?" he sheepishly blushes. 'get it together, you idiot' he mentally muttered to himself.

She giggled quietly to herself, but Matthew heard and sent her another smile--a genuine one. "I'm here alone and I was wondering if you'd wait for me, im actually just going to get some-"

"no it's fine don't worry" She began grabbing Snickers, Twix, any candy bars you find at a supermarket. Matt walked with Cassidy to the cashier which was inches away from her. "you gonna pay for all that?" He raised his eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yea why?"

"nothing, its just that you grabbed the whole shelf of sweets" he gestured to the small cart held in her hands. "you sure know how to make a girl feel fat" she crossed her arms playfully giving Matthew a death glare. he shrugged a chuckle escaping his lips. "Next!" The women at the cashier yelled. Matthew placed the gallon of white milk on the sliding machine and the cashier 'Helen' scanned it. "that'll be 4.26"

Matthew nodded grabbing the crumpled five dollar bill and gave it to her. once he was done, Cassidy did the same and they left walking down the street. "so should we go to your house so you can drop the milk or?"

"my house, this milk is going to be spoiled" he nonchalantly cutted her off. Cassidy just follow Matt, not knowing were he would lead her. "I'm not going to kidnap you, now stop worrying" Matthew joked, he felt as if she was a stranger to him but now since she keeps appearing in his life, he knows her as 'cassidy'.

"where is your house?"

"couple inches away" he said turning left to were his house was. it was a neighborhood they were in, but Cassidy didn't know which house. his house was white with a light brown colored door. from Cassidy's eyes it was the huggest thing she ever saw. "wow" the gasp escaped her lips before she can take it back. "im guessing you like it"  he used the home keys that dangled from around his neck to open the door. Matthew walked in, leading Cassidy who had an astonished facial impression.

But they didn't see the dark clouds were creating rain drops that fell heavily when they entered the house.

Matthew entered the kitchen opening the fridge and placing the milk inside. "so after this what would you like to do?" She said dropping her bag of candy on the counter. the wrappers making noise. "uhm I'm not-- do you hear that?"

The rain was creating a soft noise outside were the door was locked.  pitter patter. was the noise. "is that rain?" Cassidy said walking over to an a closed window that was soaked with water. an indeed it was. Matthew nodded but off course she didn't see. "you still wanna go outside?"

"I don't know, can I hang over here for now?" Her light blue eyes met his chocolate brown eyes. he nodded, his eyes still hypnotized by her eyes. "great, let me call my mom just to inform her" a great big smile filled her face. she grabbed something from her back pocket and pressed her thumb on her iPhone, holding it to her ear. she hung up after minutes. "she said sure" Cassidy cheered.

"great" Matthew sarcastically says but Cassidy smiled and took it as if he was happy. "want to watch a movie until the rains over?" he asked. she grinned nodding. "take a seat or you could go to the kitchen and find some popcorn in one of the cabinets" Matthew called out when he was in his room. Matt changed his school uniform to some sweats and a white loose shirt. then he grabbed the movie Magnificent and ran down stairs.

The microwave was on counting down numbers in the kitchen were Cassidy stood tapping her foot. "Im going to put the movie on" He placed the CD inside and turned the TV on. when Magnificent  was on the screen he shouted "Hurry Cassidy im going to start the movie without you"

"hey!!" she called walking from the kitchen carefully with a huge bowl of popcorn, butter filled in. "its like you've been in this house, you know were everything is" Matthew chuckled. she shrugged innocently and placed the popcorn on the table. Matthew rested his feet that had socks on the table beside the popcorn and pressed play. he grabbed the popcorn and placed it in his lap with Cassidy to the left of him.




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