*Ten* ~Cass

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 Cass pulled away and looked at Dylan in pure shock. "what did you do that!?" She cried out looking if anyone saw. wasn't Matt suppose to meet her here?

"What happen?" Dylan questioned. "I kissed Matt yesterday! what if he saw!" She argued running a hand through her wavy hair. "And I don't like you as much as I like Matt!" She yelled grabbing attention. "But..."

Dylan's face was geniunely anger and hurt. "You said Matt and you weren't dating!" He stated angrily.

"Thats cause we aren't!" Cassidy yelled stomping towards were Matt's next class would be.


The bell rang and still no sight of Matt. "where are you?!" Cass muttered, her eyes were looking everywhere but no sight of Matthew.

She waited and waited but still no sight of the dirty blonde hair colored boy.

__an hour later__

Cassidy ran to Matt's home as soon as she left school. "Matt!" Cass knocked on the door but no sudden movements were heard. "Matt!!" this time Cass knocked on harder. 

"Matt please open up!" Cass shouted not caring if people started to look at her. her heart was aching when nobody came to open the door. "Oh Matt" tears fell slowly down her face. "Matt please I can explain!" she had a sudden feeling that Matt knew the kiss Dylan and Cass felt. "Explain what?" Matt's bitter words made Cass smile and jump in his arms when he opened the door fully. even though he was being mean and bitter, Cass still managed to smile at his voice. "Matt he kissed me!" she sobbed burying her head in his chest. she wasn't tall enough for Matt. "Then why were you in his arms?" Matt pulled away and stared straight in her light beautiful eyes. "Because Alexa pushed me into his arms and then he started to push me against a locker! I swear I never though he'd kiss me!" Matt wiped her tears and smiled softly. "You aren't even my girl" He chuckled looking away from her. "Yes I a-" 

"Cass Can I tell you something?" Matt shyly looked at anything exept her. "Yes?"

"I want us to stay as friends" Matt mumbled softly and Cass heard. "Oh" she gulped finding it hard to believe that the kiss they had yesterday or today was nothing. 'What is wrong with me?' she thought angrily. "I should get going" Cass forced a smile on her face and backed up from the hug. "CASS-"

But she already ran down the sidewalk holding in the tears. after a long moment of walking somewhere far and ignoring the phone calls from her parents and Matt. she finally landed in an abandon park. trees were surrounding every part of the place as well as bugs. after a silence of stepping on twigs and plants, she finally found a tree swing. if its one thing Cass likes, its silence. 

Cassidy sat on the swing and leaned against it. the place wasn't scary at all to Cass. "Pick up your phone yo Cass, pick it up!! You take forever!!" The ring tone of Matt's voice startled her completely. it was Matt calling. "Cassybear why don't you pick up? are you having se-" Cass shut her phone with a small giggle escaping her lips. Matt could be crazy sometimes. 

"Why didn't you pick up your phone...Cass" A deep voice hissed behind her. Cassidy froze as the hair on the back of her neck rose. her stomach doing flips and turns. a hand was placed on her shoulder, causing her to jump and turn around. "YOU SCARED ME!" Cass got up and yelled at the young stranger.

It wasn't a serial killer. infact it was a 15 year old boy. 

"Sorry" The boy stared at his shoes. "No i'm sorry for yelling..i'm just stressed out" She sighed and sat back on the swing. "I feel ya" He mumbled sitting on the grass beside her. "So a girl told you that you guys can only be friends?" Cass raised her eyebrow confusingly. 

"How do you know?" he groaned picking at the grass. the sky was turning dark meaning that it was gonna rain and that it was turning night. "It happened to me right now" Cass shrugged acting as if it didn't hurt her.

"Your hurt, I can see so don't fake it" He said looking at her eyes filled with water.

"Was it that boy Matt?" He questioned quietly. Cassidy nodded and bit her lip to stop herself from crying at his words. "Oh" he looked away.

"So whats your name?" Cass smiled trying to light up the mood. "Sam" 

"Well Hi Sam, Im Cass" Cass gave him a toothy grin. "Well I realized" he smirked when she rolled her eyes. "Thats not a nice way to greet people Sam" she emphasized his name.

"Well Cassidy, You were a stranger so I didn't know what to do" he emphasized her name back. 

"Im a human, thank you very much!" Cass sassed. "And which human has the lightest blue eyes?" he laughed when she blushed akawardly. "Im kidding, those eyes are pretty awesomer than my boring brown"

"Awesomer isn't a word" Cass teased. "Yea yea!" He rolled his eyes and layed on the grass beside her. "Why aren't you home?" Cass furrowed her eyebrows and looked at his face. "My friend Stella's there" He shrugged turning to look at her. "Why aren't you home?"

"Is Stella the girl that said you guys have to be-" she ignored his other question but he cut her off.

"Don't say it" Sam warned giving her a glare to which she nodded. "Yea sorry, I know how it feels" She muttered. "How old are you?" Cassidy said leaning her whole body on the swing. 

"What i'm not for sale" Sam joked but Cass kicked his arm."Oww"

"I have Matt so that means I don't need another boy" The words tumbled out her mouth before she could realize she said it.

"18" Sam said knowing Matt was not a subject Cass wanted to talk about.


"Im 18 you unicorn"

"But I thought I was older than you" Cass pouted looking at him in confusion.

"Thats what everyone thinks" Sam muttered. "Including me" Cass chirped and laughed afterwards when Sam rolled his eyes playfully. "Anyways I better get home" Cass got up and wiped the imaginary dust of her pants. "Aww really?" Sam groaned. "Yes but we can keep in contact if you'll like?" Cass suggested making Sam nod. "That'd be nice"

After a moment of switching numbers, Sam held a peace sign jokily and left. this time cautiously looking around. "Cassidy Cannon" A strict voice startled her when she was at her doorstep. 'Yes?" her scared sqeaky voice made her father roll his eyes.

"Cass we were worried about you!" Mr.Cannon came up to her and hugged her tightly making her squirm in his grip. "Don't kill me now, Yea?" Cass joked but her dad kept hugging. "where were you?!" Mr.Cannon said leading her in the house. "at the park with a friend of mines" She smiled.

"Which friend to be sure?" Mrs.Cannon came from the kitchen and leaned to hug her daughter. "Sam" She shrugged innocently.

"Where's Matthew then?"

"Somewhere" Cass shrugged again.


"Dad please no more questions" She pleaded and he nodded in defeat. "Thanks, so anything new?" As soon as the words tumbled out her lips, both there parents eyes widen and there smiles grew large.

"I'm Pregnant" 

And with that, Cass eyes widen and a huge smile broke out.


her moms pregnant just so you know.

not her dad. LMAOOO


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